About Thomas Cheng, MD, PhD

Departments, Centers, & Programs:

Clinical Interests:




Mass General Neurology
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 855-644-6387

Medical Education

  • MD, Taipei Medical University
  • PhD, University of Michigan
  • Residency, Wayne State University School of Medicine
  • Fellowship, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  • Fellowship, University of Michigan

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Dr. Cheng's research interests are in studying the mechanisms of pain. He is funded by the National Institute of Health to study the molecular mechanisms of painful diabetic neuropathy. He has discovered multiple pain molecules activated in an animal model of type 2 diabetes. His research has been published by numerous peer-reviewed scientific journals and reported in many conferences. His findings provide better understanding for the mechanisms of painful diabetic neuropathy and could lead to the development for the future treatments for this devastating disease.


    • Dauch JR, Bender D, Luna-Wong LA, Hsieh W, Yanik BM, Kelly ZA, Cheng HT. Neurogenic factor-induced Langerhans cell activation in painful diabetic neuropathy. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 14;10(1):64, 2013.
    • Cheng, HT, Dauch JR, Smith G, Singleton JR, Porzio M, Yanik, BM, Hsieh W, Feldman EL. Application of skin punch biopsy for the diagnosis of painful diabetic neuropathy. Journal of Pain, 2013 May 16. pii: S1526-5900(13)00910-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2013.03.005.
    • Dauch JR, Lindblad CN, Hayes JM, Lentz SI, Cheng HT. 3-Dimensional Imaging of Nociceptive Intraepidermal Nerve Fibers in Human Skin Biopsies, The Journal of Visualized Experiments (74), e50331, doi:10.3791/5033, 2013.