Treatments, Procedures and Tests

Neurologists at Mass General offer neurological subspecialty clinics ranging from Alzheimer’s to Stroke. The General Neurology clinic helps you find the right doctors for accurate diagnoses.
    84 results
    • treatment

    ALS House Call Program

    The ALS House Call Program helps to change the course of medical care planning and improve outcomes for people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by bringing patient care into the home.

    • diagnostic procedure

    Autonomic Function Testing

    Autonomic function testing measures your sweat, blood pressure and heart rate response to different tasks.

    • treatment

    The Daniella Lipper ALS PACT Program

    The Daniella Lipper ALS PACT Program provides parent guidance to support parents in addressing the illness-related challenges faced by their children and adolescents.

    • treatment

    Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Service

    Botulinum toxin (Botox) treatments are available through the EMG laboratory in the Neuromuscular Disorders Unit to treat spasticity resulting from stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis and dystonias.

    Showing 1 - 10 of 84 results