The West End Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital is an outpatient facility for those with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders.

The clinic offers a wide range of outpatient therapies, including:

  • Intensive outpatient programs
  • Individual, family and group therapy
  • Treatment planning
  • Medication treatment management

The clinic also offers educational and treatment resources for people with substance use disorders. In addition to providing treatment and education, the West End Clinic helps patients and families navigate what can be burdensome insurance issues.

We work with each patient to determine the best course of treatment, and this multidisciplinary approach helps ensure our patients and their families receive the best care possible.

Clinical Services

The West End Clinic offers a wide variety of treatment options for people with all types of substance use disorders and addictive behavior. We work with each patient to review your history, understand your current needs and make recommendations for the most appropriate treatment options.

Outpatient Care for Addiction

The West End Clinic provides comprehensive evaluation of alcohol and other substance use disorders, including individualized treatment planning and referrals.

The West End Clinic also provides resources for hospital staff concerning issues of patient management, treatment, planning and resources, discharge planning, employee assistance and general information on substance use disorders. The West End Clinic maintains special clinical ties to other service areas, including Infectious Diseases and HIV, OB/GYN, Geriatric Medicine, Liver and Kidney Transplant and the Pain Management Center, due to the high rate of co-occurring medical issues and substance use disorders.

See our services

Our services include:

  • Psychiatric assessments and medication follow-up: Most of our patients have co-occuring psychiatric disorders. We provide both psychiatric medication management and medications specifically to treat addiction issues, such as naltrexone, acamprosate, disulfiram, topiramate.
  • Vivitrol® (Naltrexone IM) Injection Clinic: Vivitrol® is used to treat alcohol and opioid use disorders and has been shown to be effective in reducing alcohol consumption and assisting in sobriety.
  • Suboxone® Maintenance Program: Suboxone® is a medication prescribed to treat opioid dependence that helps suppress withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
  • Group Therapy: The West End Clinic offers a robust group therapy program to meet the needs of patients in various stages of recovery.
  • Individual Therapies: We offer a variety of different treatment approaches, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, psychodynamic therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and mindfulness-based treatments.
  • Family and Couples Therapy: Engagement of families and significant others is an important part of addiction treatment at the West End Clinic. In addition to the Relationship & Recovery Enhancement program, we offer a Family Support Group and a Parenting Group, which are both open to families and parents with children who suffer from addictive disorders.

Note: Specialized treatment for young adults between 14-26 with substance use disorders is offered through the Addiction Recovery Management Service at Mass General.

Group Therapy

The West End Clinic offers diverse modalities for group therapy and are held at the West End Clinic, located at Massachusetts General Hospital. See our group therapy listing to learn more about the groups we offer each week.

See group therapy options

How to Enroll 

Any patient interested in enrolling in group therapy at the West End Clinic must have a Mass General primary care physician (PCP) or specialist and must complete a new patient evaluation prior to enrolling. For more questions, please contact the West End Clinic at 617-724-2480.

Intensive Outpatient Care for Addiction

The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) serves as step-down care for patients who received detoxification and medical care who are ready for treatment but have had little or no outpatient treatment in the past. For patients who are currently outpatient but need to have more services to achieve recovery, IOP serves as a higher level of care. We accept patients over 18 years old.

The IOP provides services three hours a day, three days a week, for four weeks:

  • Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The program provides curriculum-based psycho-education group followed by a process group for patients with co-morbid mental health and substance use disorder diagnoses provide in a group format. The curriculum includes topics such as:

  • Biology of addiction
  • Process of addiction and recovery
  • Basic recovery skills, such as managing cravings, self-care and mood management
  • Using family, social and community-based resources as support in recovery

Each patient is assigned a provider for individual check-ins during the course of the week. The IOP team meets three times a week for rounds to discuss patients. During these meetings, the team reviews the patient progress, or problems, and noncompliance. Individual providers communicate the suggestions or feedback with each patient.

One very important piece of our program is the psychopharmacology evaluation. Medication management is usually provided once a week but occurs more often if need be. In addition to commonly used psychiatric medication, we provide treatment with medications to treat specific to addiction issues, such as naltrexone, acamprosate, disulfiram, topiramate and buprenorphine (Suboxone®).

During their IOP treatment patients receive case management services for issues related to housing, disability, FMLA, legal, coordination of care, communication with other providers.

There is medical coverage every day for all WEC patients, including IOP patients. It is not uncommon that IOP patients may need to be assessed by a clinician during their treatment with us for issues such as medication side effects, sedation, withdrawal symptoms or safety issues.

Facilitated by: Lisa Du Breuil, LICSW, Shayna Bassett, PhD, Estee Sharon, PsyD

Couple & Family Therapy

Recovery & Relationship Enhancement Program: A Service for Couples, Families and Supportive Significant Others

The Recovery & Relationship Enhancement Program invites family members or friends – generally called “supportive significant others” (SSO) - to actively participate in the treatment of their loved ones and enhance support for recovery through education and explorations of the impact of addiction and recovery on both patients and their families. Research has shown that SSO involvement can help improve treatment outcomes. Motivational interviewing strategies are used to explore patients’ thoughts about having SSO involvement and encourage them to join the program.

Once patients with substance use disorders undergo intake at the West End Clinic and actively pursue our services, they become eligible for this program.

Facilitated by: Estee Sharon, PsyD, Marc Bolduc, LICSW, and Jennifer Blewett, LICSW

Therapy Options

There are two ways to access the program:

  • Intermittent family therapy sessions – sessions include patients and supportive people in their lives (such as family, friends, AA fellows, clergy)
    • The primary purpose of these sessions is education and support.
  • Ongoing family or couples’ therapy – sessions include patients and SSOs with a focus on:
    • Understanding that as much as the patient is in recovery, so are his\her nuclear or extended family and friends
    • Exploring communication styles to establish open and honest ways of connecting
    • Mapping relational patterns to eliminate enabling behaviors and introduce smoother and healthier interpersonal dynamic

Medication Management

Vivitrol® (Naltrexone IM) Injection Clinic

Vivitrol® is FDA approved for the treatment of alcohol use disorders and opioid use disorders. Naltrexone in intramuscular form (Vivitrol®) has been demonstrated to be effective in reducing alcohol consumption and assisting in sobriety. Patients who are able to abstain from alcohol (even for a short time) are appropriate for an injection of intramuscular naltrexone.

The West End Clinic oversees an injection clinic based in Cox 1 at Mass General where intramuscular naltrexone can be administered. We will assist in evaluating criteria for naltrexone as well as prior authorization related to the medication.

How to Become a Patient at the Vivitrol® Injection Clinic
  1. To be eligible, you must be in treatment at the West End Clinic (WEC). To become a patient, please call WEC at 617-724-2480 to make an appointment.

  2. As part of your WEC assessment, we will discuss available treatment options for alcohol and other drug use disorders and make individual recommendations. A thorough review of your medical and psychological status will be coupled with an evaluation for appropriateness of pharmacotherapy. Our staff will collaborate with the injection clinic staff for patients who will benefit from this medication.

  3. The staff at the injection clinic will assist with the insurance forms, ordering the medication, etc. Please note: You injection appointment will only be scheduled after the injection has been approved by your insurance.

  4. Throughout the process, the WEC will update any referring providers.

Suboxone® Outpatient Program

Opioid-dependent patients who are in need and eligible for office-based opioid substitution therapy e.g. buprenorphine (Suboxone®) are admitted on a special track to the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP).

After completing a first-time evaluation with the West End Clinic and a Suboxone® evaluation with a physician, eligible patients start the IOP and are seen by our Suboxone® providers for induction. During the week of their induction, these patients are seen three to four times in that week by an MD or RN. Suboxone patients continue receive all the other services provided to IOP patients.

Upon completing the IOP, Suboxone® patients are required to attend a Suboxone® Recovery Group that meets once a week (see days offered on the Group Therapy list) for a minimum of six months. After six months, patients are reassessed and considered for more individualized treatment.


Photo Tour of the West End Clinic

Clinical Staff

Prajwal Acharya

Medical Assistant

Jeffrey Balewicz

Recovery Coach

Jennifer BlewettJennifer Blewett, DSW, LICSW, DCSW, CGP

Clinical Social Worker
Assistant Director for Community Outreach and Engagement

Marc G. BolducMarc G. Bolduc, LICSW, CADC II, CGP

Clinical Social Worker

Stephanie ButlerStephanie Butler, RN, PMHNP-BC

Nurse Practitioner

Lisa Du BreuilLisa Du Breuil, LICSW

Clinical Social Worker

Frank DibertFrank Dibert, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

Christoforos Iraklis GiakoumatosChristoforos Iraklis Giakoumatos, MD


Allison LabbeAllison Labbe, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

Toby LynchToby Lynch, PhD

Clinical Psychologist
Assistant Director for Psychotherapy Innovations

Meredith MorrisonMeredith Morrison, RN, PMHNP-BC

Nurse Practitioner

Helen NiHelen Ni, LICSW

Clinical Social Worker
Clinical Care Coordinator

C. Edward Qualls, PsyD

Clinical Psychologist

Estee SharonEstee Sharon, PsyD

Clinical Psychologist

Rachel SteereRachel Steere, DO


Tahir Tellioglu, MDTahir Tellioglu, MD


Alicia Ventresca, PsyD

Clinical Psychologist

Administrative Staff

Rachel Meyers-WeinermanRachel Meyers-Weinerman

Patient Service Coordinator

Mayra ZelayaMayra Zelaya

Practice Manager

Training & Peer Supervision

In addition to providing exemplary therapeutic care to patients, the West End Clinic is dedicated to assisting Mass General trainees, including fellows, residents, medical students, psychology and social work interns and staff clinicians, who are interested in facilitating groups and would like to enhance their knowledge and therapeutic skill.

To support these goals, a peer supervision group has been organized. Within this group, each participating clinician is viewed as an essential element of a “group-as-a-whole” directed toward the understanding of group dynamics and processes. The emphasis is on the presentation of actual clinical material. Group members have the opportunity to comment on the emerging group process and to provide support for the presenting clinician who may be struggling with particular challenges or concerns. Another focus is on addressing all formal aspects of group psychotherapy, including the identification of a clinical need, linking to referral resources, accessing appropriate patient populations, legal and ethical concerns, and the assessment of group process and outcome. Effectively communicating with others involved in the patient's care and monitoring the patient’s overall progress is an overarching priority.

The peer supervision group also offers the following opportunities:

  • Co-facilitation of groups in which a trainee is paired with an experienced clinician
  • Didactic experiences with group therapy experts
  • Initiatives to educate others and raise awareness regarding the efficacy of group therapy in substance use disorder treatment, both at Mass General and beyond
  • Participation in local and national group psychotherapy associations


In addition to our multidisciplinary treatment services for substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions, our clinic can accommodate individualized case management and resource recommendations. Our case management staff are clinical social workers who are licensed mental health professionals trained to help you cope with life's challenges.

In addition to our services, please reference the following resources:

Peer Support Groups

            Meeting ID: 310 146 047
            Dial in phone numbers: (929)436-2866, (669)900-6833 

            Tuesday Online Meeting at 5:30pm:

            Thursday Online Meeting  at 5:30pm:

Family Support Groups
  • A Circle of Hope, 978-557-9235
  • Allies in Recovery, 413-210-3724
  • Coping Today (Grief Group), 978-875-0606
  • Families Anonymous, 781-727-1803
  • Journey to Hope, 508-456-1590
  • Learn 2 Cope, 508-738-5148
  • MGH Family Support Group, 617-227-4183
  • Parent Supporting Parents, 508-419-3434 7060
  • Parent Support Group of Western MA, 413-626-9889
  • The Parent’s Forum, 617-253-7182
Massachusetts Peer Recovery Support Centers

1. The Brien Center (CBHC)
334 Fenn St, Pittsfield, MA 01201
Phone: (800) 252-0227

2. Clinical Support Options CBHC - Greenfield
1 Arch Place, Greenfield, MA 01301
Phone: (800) 562-0112

3. Clinical Support Options CBHC - Northampton
8 Atwood Dr, Northampton, MA 01060
Phone: (800) 562-0112

4. Gateway Community Behavioral Health Center (CBHC)
1109 Granby Rd, Chicopee, MA 01020
Phone: (833) 243-8255

5. Behavioral Health Network WellBeing Center (CBHC) - Springfield
417 Liberty St, Springfield, MA 01104
Phone: (800) 437-5922

6. Behavioral Health Network WellBeing Center (CBHC) - Westfield
77 Mill Street, Westfield, MA 01085
Phone: (800) 437-5922

7. Clinical Support Options CBHC - Athol
2033 Main St, Athol, MA 01331
Phone: (800) 562-0112

8. Clinical Support Options CBHC - Gardner
205 School St, Gardner, MA 01440
Phone: (800) 562-0112

9. Community HealthLink CBHC - Leominster
40 Spruce St, Leominster, MA 01453
Phone: (800) 977-5555

10. Community HealthLink CBHC - Worcester
12 Queen St, Worcester, MA 01610
Phone: (866) 549-2142

11. Riverside Community Care (CBHC) - Milford
176 West St, Milford, MA 01757
Phone: (800) 294-4665

12. Advocates CBHC - Framingham
1094 Worcester Road, Framingham, MA 01702
Phone: (800) 640-5432

13. Vinfen Community Behavioral Health Center (CBHC)
40 Church St, Lowell, MA 01852
Phone: (866) 388-2242

14. Beth Israel Lahey Health Behavioral Services (CBHC)
12 Methuen St, Lawrence, MA 01840
Phone: (877) 255-1261

15. Eliot Community Human Services (CBHC) - Danvers
10 Harbor St, Danvers, MA 01923
Phone: (866) 523-1216

16. Advocates CBHC - Waltham
675 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02452
Phone: (800) 640-5432

17. Riverside Community Care (CBHC) - Norwood
190 Lenox St, Norwood, MA 02062
Phone: (800) 529-5077

18. Child and Family Services CBHC - Fall River
160 Osborn St, Fall River, MA 02724
Phone: (508) 676-5708

19. Child and Family Services CBHC - New Bedford
1061 Pleasant St, New Bedford, MA 02740
Phone: (877) 996-3154

20. Bay Cove Behavioral Health and Wellness Center (CBHC)
116 Camp St, Hyannis, MA 02601
Phone: (833) 229-2683

21. Fairwinds Center (CBHC)
20 Vesper Ln, Nantucket, MA 02554
Phone: (888) 323-3447

22. Community Counseling of Bristol County (CBHC)
1 Washington St, Taunton, MA 02780
Phone: (800) 660-4300

23. Child and Family Services CBHC - Plymouth
68 Industrial Park Rd, Plymouth, MA 02360
Phone: (877) 996-3154

24. High Point Treatment Center CBHC
30 Meadowbrook Dr, Brockton, MA 02301
Phone: (888) 725-9066

25. Aspire CBHC
460 Quincy Ave, Quincy, MA 02169
Phone: (800) 528-4890

26. Boston Medical Center CBHC
85 E Newton St, Boston, MA 02118
Phone: (800) 981-4357

27. North Suffolk Community Services (CBHC)
14 Porter St, East Boston, MA 02128
Phone: (888) 309-1989

28. Cambridge Health Alliance CBHC
1493 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: (833) 222-2030

29. Eliot Community Human Services (CBHC) - Lynn
95 Pleasant St, Lynn, MA 01901
Phone: (800) 988-1111

30. Eliot Community Human Services (CBHC) - Danvers
10 Harbor St, Danvers, MA 01923
Phone: (866) 523-1216

Helpline Contact Information
  • AIDS Action Hotline 800-235-2331
  • Attorney General’s Consumer Advocacy & Response Division Hotline (617)727-8400
  • Care Giver Action Network (855)227-3640
  • Child-at-Risk Hotline 800-792-5200
  • Child-Help USA (800)422-4453
  • Commonwealth Connector 877-623-6765
  • Disabled Person’s Abuse Hotline (800)426-9009
  • Disaster Distress Helpline (800)985-5990
  • Domestic Violence Hotline (800)799-7233
  • Elder Abuse Hotline 800-922-2275
  • Food Source Hotline/Project Bread 800-645-8333
  • Gay Men's Domestic Violence Project 800-832-1901
  • Health Care for All 800-272-4232
  • Hepatitis C Hotline (888)443-4372
  • Jane Doe - Sexual Assault 617-248-0922
  • LGBT National Help Center Hotline (888)843-4564
  • LGBT National Youth Help Center Hotline (800)246-7743
  • Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership 800-495-0086
  • Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination 617-727-3990
  • Massachusetts Commission for the Blind 617-727-5550
  • Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (800)942-1007
  • Massachusetts Department of Veterans Affairs 800-827-1000
  • Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs 800-243-4636
  • Massachusetts Law Reform Institute 617-357-0700
  • Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission 800-245-6543
  • Massachusetts Substance Use Information & Education Helpline 800-327-5050
  • MassHealth Enrollment Center 888-665-9993
  • National Eating Disorders Center Helpline (800)931-2237
  • National Institute of Drug Abuse Hotline (800)662-4357
  • National Suicide Hotline (800)273-8245
  • National Suicide Hotline en Español (888)628-9454
  • National Veterans Crisis Line (800)273-8255
  • New Mental Health Crisis Hotline 988
  • Parental Stress Line 800-632-8188
  • Providing Access to Addictions Treatment, Hope and Support 855-494-4057
  • RAINN Sexual Assault Hotline (800)656-HOPE
  • Safe Link Domestic Violence Hotline 877-785-2020
  • Samaritans 877-870-4673
  • Samariteens 800-252-8336
  • SAMHSA Treatment Locator (800)662-4357
  • Social Security Administration 800-772-1213
  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) (800)772-1213
  • Teens in Action 617-482-4243
  • Teen Crisis Text Line Text HELLO to 741741
  • The Trevor Project Suicide Hotline (LGBTQ+ Youth) (866)488-7386
  • Trans Lifeline (877)565-8860
  • Try-To-Stop Tobacco Resource 800-879-8678
  • Women, Infants and Children (800)942-1007
  • Youth Hotline "Hurt" (617)773-4878


RecoveryWorks is a program at Massachusetts General Hospital that helps individuals in addiction recovery thrive by providing career guidance and supporting personal growth to pursue and sustain meaningful employment. RecoveryWorks provides mentorship, career coaching, recovery- and career-oriented skills training groups, and assistance with overcoming barriers to re-entering the workforce. Our program is virtual and is offered for up to five years assuring continuity and longevity of support and facilitating accessibility nationwide, from urban to rural regions.

RecoveryWorks highlights the notion that while recovery enhances employment prospects, employment and retention in the workplace bolsters the recovery journey just as well. We are developing an evidence-based model to challenge addiction stigma and exclusion and to promote social inclusion, purpose and hope, good citizenship, the right to be a contributing and respected member of society, and the reciprocal recognition among employers about the value people in recovery bring to the workplace.

RecoveryWorks accepts referrals from across the nation.

If you have any inquiries, please send us an email.