Narcan’s available over the counter, should I carry it?
Get information about naloxone (brand name Narcan) now being available over the counter and resources for opioid substance use disorder from Vinod Rao, MD, PhD, psychiatrist at Mass General.
Mass General Psychiatry: Adult Outpatient Psychiatry Services
55 Fruit St.
Wang Ambulatory Care Center
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-724-7792
Medical Education
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Mass General is recognized as a top hospital on the U.S. News Best Hospitals Honor Roll for 2024-2025.
Get information about naloxone (brand name Narcan) now being available over the counter and resources for opioid substance use disorder from Vinod Rao, MD, PhD, psychiatrist at Mass General.
An estimated 20% of teens and young adults who seek treatment for addiction may have previously unrecognized social impairment characteristics of an autism spectrum disorder.
Get information about naloxone (brand name Narcan) now being available over the counter and resources for opioid substance use disorder from Vinod Rao, MD, PhD, psychiatrist at Mass General.
An estimated 20% of teens and young adults who seek treatment for addiction may have previously unrecognized social impairment characteristics of an autism spectrum disorder.
Get information about naloxone (brand name Narcan) now being available over the counter and resources for opioid substance use disorder from Vinod Rao, MD, PhD, psychiatrist at Mass General.
An estimated 20% of teens and young adults who seek treatment for addiction may have previously unrecognized social impairment characteristics of an autism spectrum disorder.