
Mass General Neuroscience is home to hundreds of outstanding clinical and research trainees who care for our patients and pursue research in our laboratories under the supervision of outstanding faculty.
Jean Coumans, MD gives his presentation during grand rounds.
Jean Coumans, MD gives his presentation during grand rounds.
Jean Coumans, MD gives his presentation during grand rounds.

Training Programs in the Neurosciences

Neurosurgery Residency Program

Massachusetts General Hospital Neurosurgery Residents are exposed to clinical volume and complex cases spanning the breadth of Neurosurgery.

Department of Neurology Education

Find information on residency, fellowship and continuing medical education opportunities available through the Department of Neurology.

Psychiatry Training & Education

the Department of Psychiatry trains residents, interns and fellows in their areas of specialty.

NINDS T32 Postdoctoral Training Program

This fellowship trains clinician-scientists and neuroengineers to leverage the computational neurosciences to develop device-based interventions on behalf of patients who survive brain injuries.

Translational Neuroscience Training for Clinicians

A new postdoctoral fellowship at MGH for early-career psychiatrists and psychologists.

Mass General Neuroscience

#1 Research Hospital in America

Mass General is the #1 research hospital in America, with a large percentage of that dedicated to nervous system related disorders.


90% Neurosurgery Residents

Nearly 90 percent of our residents accept positions at high-ranking medical institutions after graduation


NIH Neuroscience Funding at Mass General

Nearly one-third of Mass General's NIH funding goes towards neuroscience-based research.

Mass General Neuroscience Intranet

Visit our intranet site where you can find resources, grand round schedules, and up to date information on the neurosciences at Mass General (requires Peoplesoft login credentials).