Multiphoton Imaging Core Lab
Contact Information
Multiphoton Imaging Core Lab
Charlestown Navy Yard, Building 114
114 16th Street, 2nd Floor
Brian Bacskai, PhD
Steve Hou, PhD
The technology of multiphoton microscopy allows imaging of visible light fluorophores within a living animal from the brain surface to a depth approximating layer III of mouse cortex.
Scanning occurs in X, Y and Z directions for 3-dimensional rendering. Viral delivered fluorescent markers and small molecule fluorescent reporters are routinely used. The unit consists of a BioRad1024 multiphoton microscope with custom modifications mounted on an Olympus BX50WI upright microscope.
A mode-locked Ti:Saphire laser (MaiTai) generates two-photon fluorescence with 800 nm excitation, and detectors containing three photomultiplier tubes (Hamamatsu Photonics) collect emitted light in the ranges of 380-480, 500-540, and 560-650 nm. The microscope stage has been modified to allow stereotactic frame placement, inhalant anesthesia, and temperature control.
A surgical suite is located adjacent to the microscope facility and is equipped with all necessary tools for implantation of cranial windows for imaging.