Biorepository for Neurological Injury
Contact Information
To request more information, email:
To contact a study coordinator at the Stroke Research Center, call 617-643-3875 or email
Explore This Lab
Impacting Neurological Care
Doctors and scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital have long been at the forefront of advances in medical research. Within the Department of Neurology, we are working to advance this legacy by pioneering new models of advanced, integrated care, expanding patient education and prioritizing new, ground-breaking research initiatives by asking our patients to participate in the Biorepository for Neurological Injury, or the “BNI.”
A biorepository is a collection of blood and other biological samples that are obtained and stored for future investigation. It serves as a resource for clinicians and scientists who conduct research to learn how genes and other factors contribute to brain health and recovery.
At Mass General, we are leading the charge in translating discoveries in the lab to improvements in patient care, focusing not only on today's critical issues, but also by discovering the medicines of tomorrow.
Patients who participate allow our researchers to use information from their blood samples and medical history as tools for medical research. By taking part in this initiative, you are contributing to research that may help in predicting, preventing and treating diseases for generations to come.
Contributing to the Future of Precision Medicine
The goal of the Biorepository for Neurological Injury is to create a robust resource to support researchers who will contribute to the future of personalized medicine within the field of neurology. We envision a future where doctors can treat patients with neurological disease using methods that are precisely targeted to patients’ individual needs.
The BNI will help achieve this goal by:
- Providing opportunities for participants to take part in clinical studies
- Facilitating high-quality research in the areas of genetics, brain disease, recovery from brain injuries and the maintenance of a healthy brain
- Fostering collaboration among researchers throughout the Neurology Department
- Encouraging scientific innovation and providing support to investigators to cultivate new ideas
By joining the BNI, you will also be enrolled into the Partners HealthCare Biobank (PHB). The PHB is a large research program designed to help researchers understand how people’s health is affected by their genes, lifestyle, and environment, and any patient with a medical record number at Massachusetts General Hospital is eligible to participate.
To learn more about the Biorepository for Neurological Injury, call 617-643-3875 or email
For Researchers
Supporting Innovative Research in Neurology
The Biorepository for Neurological Injury at Massachusetts General Hospital allows for large-scale, state-of-the-art genetic and translational research by providing investigators access to a rich, exquisitely characterized collection of biosamples from neurology patient cohorts. This collection of blood and tissue samples is stored at a Mass General laboratory facility and is linked to phenotypic and clinical data stored in a database. Our goal is to facilitate collaboration and to foster longitudinal relationships among physicians, investigators and patient donors.
Information for Researchers
To learn more about the BNI, call Project Manager Zora DiPucchio at 617-726-7710 or email
Frequently Asked Questions for Patients
What is the Biorepository for Neurological Injury?
The Biorepository for Neurological Injury (“BNI”) at Massachusetts General Hospital helps researchers study how genes and other factors contribute to risk of brain disease, recovery from brain injuries and the maintenance of a healthy brain.
Patients seen in any unit or clinic within the Neurology Department at Massachusetts General Hospital can join the Biorepository for Neurological Injury. If you join the BNI, our researchers will collect biological samples and information about your medical history for use in neurology research. By taking part in this project, you are helping efforts to predict, prevent and treat diseases for generations to come.
By joining the BNI, you will also be enrolled into the Partners HealthCare Biobank (PHB). The PHB is a large research program designed to help researchers understand how people’s health is affected by their genes, lifestyle, and environment, and any patient with a medical record number at Massachusetts General Hospital is eligible to participate.
How Do I Join?
You can learn more about the Biorepository for Neurological Injury by contacting a study coordinator at 617-643-3875 or
If you decide to participate in the BNI, we will ask you to fill out a consent form. You will also need to provide some health information for our database. Our staff will take a small blood sample (3 ½ tablespoons) from you, and this blood sample and your health information will be stored by Mass General for future studies.
Joining this project is optional. Your choice to join will not affect the care you get at Mass General or other hospitals. You may also choose to withdraw yourself at any time.
How Is My Privacy Protected?
We take patient privacy very seriously. After you join the Biorepository for Neurological Injury, we will:
- Use your information for research only
- Keep your information private so that only researchers and qualified staff can see it
- Give your sample a unique study number, so that only study staff have access to your name and identifying information.
As part of the Biorepository for Neurological Injury, we may:
- Use your Mass General Brigham medical records for research only
- Ask you in the future to provide more information or more biological samples
Why Should I Join the Biorepository for Neurological Injury (BNI)?
By joining the BNI, you will help us advance research in brain health and recovery improving the quality of life for future generations to come. Your decision of whether or not to join the BNI will not affect the care you receive at Mass General or other hospitals.
Will I Get Results of Testing Done on my Blood Samples?
Generally, we will not return individual results from research using your samples and data to you or your doctor as there is no immediate benefit to knowing these results. Research using your sample is just a stepping stone in learning about health and disease. Most of the findings that come from studying your sample will not be relevant to your personal health. In the future, this may change.
Although you should not expect to receive individual results from your samples, patients who participate in the Biorepository for Neurological Injury may receive periodic newsletters updating participants on general results from research supported by the Biorepository.
Learn More and Participate
Learn more about the Partners Healthcare Biobank and what your participation can mean for the future of precision medicine.