MGH Research Scholars 2013-2018
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Investigators in the 2013 class of MGH Research Scholars at Massachusetts General Hospital include experts in neurology, gastroenterology, infectious disease and genetic research.
Todd Allen, PhD MGH Research Scholar 2013-2018 Associate Investigator, Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Research profile |
Sydney Cash, MD, PhD Elizabeth G. Riley and Dan E. Smith Jr. MGH Research Scholar 2013-2018 Physician-Investigator, Department of Neurology Associate Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School Research profile |
Raymond Chung, MD Kevin and Polly Maroni MGH Research Scholar 2013-2018 Physician-Investigator, Division of Gastroenterology Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Research profile |
Jose Florez, MD, PhD MGH Research Scholar 2013-2018 Chief of the Diabetes Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital Investigator, Center for Genomic Medicine Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Research profile |
Robert Gerszten, MD MGH Research Scholar 2013-2018 *MGH Research Scholar Alumni* |
Sekar Kathiresan, MD Ofer and Shelly Nemirovsky MGH Research Scholar 2013-2018 *MGH Research Scholar Alumni* |
Susan A. Slaugenhaupt, PhD Elizabeth G. Riley and Daniel E. Smith Jr. MGH Research Scholar 2013-2018 Elizabeth G. Riley and Daniel E. Smith, Jr. Endowed MGH Research Institute Chair Scientific Director, Mass General Research Institute Investigator, Center for Genomic Medicine Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School Research profile |
Support our Research
Your contributions play a crucial role in supporting researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital as they explore new and unproven pathways to discovery.