The Interventional Neuropsychiatry & Neuromodulation Fellowship trains the next generation of interventional neuropsychiatry leaders in the use of the full spectrum of noninvasive, convulsive and surgical neuromodulation therapies.
Tracy Barbour, MD Medical Director, TMS clinical service Division of Neuropsychiatry Massachusetts General Hospital 149 13th St. Boston, MA 02129
Joan Camprodon, MD, MPH, PhD Chief, Division of Neuropsychiatry Director, Laboratory for Neuropsychiatry and Neuromodulation Massachusetts General Hospital 149 13th St. Boston, MA 02129
Explore This Fellowship
Individualized neuronavigated TMS
Program Overview
Interventional neuropsychiatry and neuromodulation is a rapidly evolving clinical subspecialty that uses device-based neuromodulation to treat patients with brain disorders. Despite its growing relevance, there is no established path for clinicians to train in this technical and highly specialized space. This fellowship provides a one-year post-residency training curriculum to address this important gap.
Neuromodulation techniques are generally divided into three categories:
Noninvasive Neuromodulation, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
Convulsive Neuromodulation, such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Invasive or Surgical Neuromodulation, such as deep brain stimulation (DBS) and vagal nerve stimulation (VNS)
Given the strong history and current clinical and research presence of all three neuromodulation categories at the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Interventional Neuropsychiatry and Neuromodulation Fellowship aims to uniquely provide comprehensive clinical training (theoretical and procedural) in the full spectrum of techniques. In addition, fellows will develop expertise in novel emerging modalities such as transcranial Photobiomodulation (tPBM) and low intensity focused ultrasound (LIFUP), as well as relevant non-device modalities such as Ketamine infusions.
Despite the many modality-specific knowledge areas, we believe there is a shared neurobiological and clinical framework across all neuromodulation therapies. Neurotherapeutic devices intervene at the level of circuits, and therefore, it is important for interventional neuropsychiatrists to be very familiar with circuit pathophysiological models, and more practically, comfortable generating circuit-based clinical formulations of individual patients (not just the conditions they have). Hence, a critical goal of the fellowship is to teach trainees a clinical circuit-based approach to anamnesis, exam, differential diagnosis, clinical formulation and, of course, treatment planning.
While this is a clinical fellowship, it takes place in an environment where the research and clinical missions are uniquely integrated so that the traditional boundaries between science and patient care are very fluid: the lab is in the clinic and the clinic in the lab. Fellows will be able to train and practice in this translational environment, learn from clinician-scientist mentors and develop their unique identity and niche of expertise with protected research time.
We are aiming to train the next generation of interventional neuropsychiatrists who will shape the growth of the field and impact the development and application of individualized device therapeutics.
Given the relative early stage of development of the field of interventional neuropsychiatry, it is critical that master clinicians not only become excellent practitioners able to critically adopt fast evolving technical and clinical innovations, but that they are part of the process of catalyzing such innovations through their own impactful research. Towards this end, fellows will have protected research time and ample opportunities to develop clinical, translational and/or basic research projects in neuromodulation and circuit neuroscience throughout Mass General and Harvard research environments.
Every fellow will be paired with a research mentor and will be expected to complete a research project leading to a publishable manuscript during the course of the fellowship. There will be opportunities to present original work at scientific or clinical meetings. Fellows will have access to educational resources from Mass General and Harvard University, including libraries and online resources, in addition to professional meetings and trainings. While a strong research background is not required to apply to our program, trainees motivated to become clinician-scientists (independent of their previous research experience) will find our program particularly appealing.
Scheduled Rotations
Fellows will participate in year-long longitudinal rotations within the Interventional Neuropsychiatry and Neuromodulation Fellowship core clinics, as well as have dedicated research time to complete a clinical or scholastic research project.
Core clinics
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Invasive Neuromodulation/Psychiatric Neurosurgical Clinics: DBS and VNS
Additional Curriculum Elements
As part of your educational experience, you will attend hour-long, weekly formal didactics on topics related to the core clinical experiences as well as circuit-based neuroscience.
Sample Lecture Topics
TMS Topics
TMS basics
TMS initial evaluation and general follow-up
TMS Clinical Pearls
TMS equipment: Parts, set-up and troubleshooting
TMS technique I: Motor threshold
Practice I: MT and neurophysiology
TMS Protocols I: Single and paired-pulse
TMS Protocols II: rTMS and theta burst stimulation (TBS)
TMS Safety I: General principles
Patient management during TMS treatment series
TMS applications I: Diagnostic
TMS application II: Therapeutic (MDD, OCD and beyond)
TMS technique II: Alternative targets
TMS Practice II: Target identification and neuronavigation
Potentiating TMS treatment: Theory and evidence
Maintenance and Duration: TMS
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Topics
Introduction to tDCS
Current evidence for tDCS in neuropsychiatric disorders
Invasive Neuromodulation Topics
Ablative limbic system procedures
Vagus nerve stimulation for TRD
Deep brain stimulation for psychiatric illness
Electroconvulsive Therapy Topics
ECT basics
History of ECT
ECT evaluations, indications and relative contraindications
ECT safety and working in a multidisciplinary team
ECT anesthetic options and integration into care
ECT physics
ECT dosing strategies: Ultra-brief vs. brief pulse
ECT electrode placement: Evidence for right unilateral vs. bilateral vs. bifrontal
ECT: Balancing treatment efficacy with side effects
The episodic memory system: Neurocircuitry and disorders
Executive function and dysexecutive syndromes
The neural circuitry of executive functions in healthy subjects and Parkinson’s disease
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and attention networks
Executive function, neural circuitry and genetic mechanisms in schizophrenia
Human and rodent homologies in action control: Corticostriatal determinants of goal-directed and habitual action
Impulsivity and compulsivity
Graph theory and connectomics
Introduction to Rich hubs
How to Apply
Application Requirements
To apply to the Interventional Neuropsychiatry and Neuromodulation Fellowship, send your personal statement, CV and 3 letters of recommendation to Tracy Barbour ( and Joan Camprodon (
Application Timeline
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Interviews will occur between July and January for the following academic year. Offers will be given to candidates by February for the following academic year.
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Pioneering Neuroscience Research
As a world leader in medical discovery and patient care, Mass General Neuroscience brings together the expansive expertise and passion from our Psychiatry, Neurosurgery and Neurology Departments. Through Advances in Motion, we provide health care professionals with information about our latest breakthroughs, research and clinical advances.