
MGH Everett Family Care is located near public transit and is accessible to people with disabilities.

  • Accessible: Yes
  • Public Transit:

    MGH Everett Family Care is accessible by taking MBTA bus routes 109, 104, 112, 110 or 97 from the Orange Line Wellington Station to Everett Square. From Everett Square, walk one block to 19 Norwood Street.

    From the Blue Line take MBTA bus route number 110 to Wellington Station. Then take MBTA bus routes 109, 104, 112, 110 or 97 to Everett Square. From Everett Square, walk one block to 19 Norwood Street.

  • Shuttle Service: We are served by the Mass General Shuttle Service.
  • Parking:

    Norwood Street has metered parking and there are two municipal parking lots with meters on either side of MGH Everett, with one parking lot almost directly across the street.