The Strategic Management Assessment and Response (SMART) Team
SMART provides a multidisciplinary response to complex workplace violence/conflict situations. The team includes members from Police and Security, Human Resources, Risk Management, Occupational Health, Employee Assistance Program, Psychiatry, Patient and Family Relations, and Nursing Administration, with ad hoc members often consulted.
A Collaborative Resource to Ensure a Safe Environment
SMART meets for two purposes. The meetings occur quarterly to review and discuss reports and trends of disruptive, inappropriate, threatening or violent behavior. These situations may include criminal or ethical issues, creation of staff unrest or fear, direct threats to others, or previous criminal history, all of which may involve patients, visitors or employees. These meetings are designed to be proactive in preventing workplace violence by assisting managers and supervisors to develop the tools and guidelines necessary to better recognize and resolve conflict incidents at their initial stage.
The immediate response of SMART on an emergent basis is the other benefit of this program. SMART can be contacted in several ways: by any member of the team or by any director, administrator, or manager for an initial consultation. After receiving a summary of the incident, the SMART member will determine the response level necessary in activating the team.
SMART can also be activated during business hours by contacting the Police and Security Investigative Manager, Jennifer Goba, at 617-726-1474, or after hours by contacting the Police and Security Manager on duty at 617-726-2121.
Please note, SMART is intended to assist with situations that are evolving and/or with a complexity that creates the need for a multi-disciplinary group assessment, rather than an isolated situation that can be resolved solely by one department without the benefit of collaboration.