Find more information about what to expect immediately after your fracture surgery.

After your fracture surgery:

You will get daily visits from:

You can expect to feel:

  • Tired
  • Discomfort/Pain
  • Not as hungry as usual

Your goal will be to get out of bed and move when your doctor gives you the okay. Your physical therapist can give you exercises to do while you are in bed too.

The more you move, the faster you will recover!

You will begin eating and drinking again. The nursing staff will assist you with your care needs, such as providing medication, bathing and getting out of bed.

You will receive medication to manage your pain. You will wear compression boots wrapped around your lower leg that will massage your legs and help prevent blood clots.

Blood tests and x-rays will be done to manage your recovery. You may need a blood transfusion if you are anemic or lost a lot of blood.

Physical therapists will work with you to increase your strength and balance so that you can return to activities you enjoy.

Use the incentive spirometer to exercise your lungs and help prevent pneumonia.

Possible Complications

Complications include:

  • Pneumonia
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Mental Confusion (delirium)
  • Blood clots in your legs or lungs (deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism)
  • Bed sores (pressure ulcers)
  • Further loss of muscle mass, increasing your risk of falls and injury
  • Experiencing more pain than normally expected

How to prevent complications:

  • Your physician will tell you when it is safe for you to get out of bed and move about.
  • Practice deep breathing to expand your lungs and sit upright in bed or chair if allowed.
  • Perform your physical therapy exercises to increase your strength, balance and flexibility.
  • Take only the medications as instructed by your care team and ask your physician if you have any questions or if you think something is missing.
  • Eat complete meals and take supplements if your doctor ordered them.
  • Drink frequently unless your care team has placed restrictions on the amount of fluid you are allowed to drink.
  • Do not hesitate to discuss your concerns with your medical team.

Your medical team will work with you to help ensure a successful surgery and recovery

Pain Management

How to Treat Pain:

  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Elevation
  • Medication

What to Keep in Mind:

Pain makes recovery from surgery more difficult and stressful for your body. It is important to take your pain medication to help your body heal.

You should take pain medication before physical therapy to get the most out of your session.

Most people who take narcotic pain medication for short periods of time as instructed do not become addicted to it.

If your pain medication is not working for you, we have other medications or non-pharmacological ways (like ice) to treat your pain. Tell us about your pain so we can help you!

It is normal for you to feel some pain following a bone injury and surgery and while you are healing and recovering from your accident.


Why are you at risk for constipation?

  • you are moving around less than usual
  • You may be drinking less water
  • You probably changed your diet
  • You are probably taking pain medications
  • You just had major surgery

Treatment for Constipation

  • Increase your fluid intake.
  • Increase your fiber intake.
  • Move as much as possible.
  • Bowel medications may be used for a short period of time.


What is delirium?

A new, fluctuating change in mental status that is reversible and is frequently caused by several factors related to the patient’s injury and hospitalization.

Family and Friends: What can you do to help?

  • Tell the care team that the patient is acting differently than they normally do.
  • Tell the patient where they are, who they are, why they are here—reorient them frequently.
  • Bring in objects the patient may recognize such as favorite photos, pillow, blanket.
  • Make sure the patient has their hearing aids, glasses, dentures and are using them.
  • Ask the patient’s nurse if you can help the patient eat and drink the food that is brought to them. You can also bring in food from home that the patient enjoys. Remember to check with the patient’s nurse first before offering food brought to the hospital.

Delirium: What you may observe

Poor thinking skills & memory Difficulty with speaking or writing Personality changes Emotional disturbance
Easily distracted Sleeping more Lack of focus Being withdrawn
Being hyperactive, restless, agitated Saying things that do not make sense Rapid changes in mood Changes in normal behavior

Family and friends can help us take better care of the patient