About Us

The Neuroimmunology Clinic and Research Laboratory at Mass General is the first home in New England for patients with NMOSD (Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder), MOGAD (Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody disease), transverse myelitis and other rare autoimmune disorders of the central nervous system. Here, we specialize in these rare conditions – they are not an afterthought.

In our clinic, you can expect to see physicians who work at the vanguard of their fields. You might participate in a clinical trial. You could join us in increasing awareness about your particular disease. And you may find community with others who suffer from similar ailments.

Dr. Levy was very responsive, very compassionate and also very easy to talk with. He made me and my husband both feel very welcome and open to any questions that we have.

Neuroimmunology Clinic Patient

Diseases We Treat

Research and Clinical Trials

Doctor and patient at desk
Collecting information for the CIRCLES biospecimen study.

The Neuroimmunology Lab is actively involved in research to advance knowledge, improve care, unearth new treatments, and ultimately find cures for NMO and MOG spectrum disorders.

We conduct research and clinical studies in our state-of-the-art neuroimmunology laboratory in Cambridge, and participate with industry in clinical trials of new and repurposed drugs to treat these rare neuroimmunological disorders.

Current Research

  • New biomarkers of neuroimmunological disorders: Just as aquaporin-4 and MOG antibodies have transformed the field for patients with NMOSD, we are looking for new antibodies and specific immune cells that could identify patients with other autoimmune diseases of the nervous system
  • Genetic studies in familial transverse myelitis: We found the first genetic mutation in patients with familial transverse myelitis. We are actively recruiting more TM patients for testing and we have developed mouse models of these mutations to understand the role they play in this disease
  • Mouse models of NMOSD and MOGAD: Mouse models of NMOSD and MOG antibody disease are critical in our work to develop tolerization therapy. Tolerization therapy re-educates the immune system to stop attacking its own spinal cord and optic nerve. This therapy carries the promise of a durable cure that will not require long term immune-suppressive medications
  • Does dairy affect MOGAD? To enroll, contact Gabriela at gromanow@mgh.harvard.edu.

Patient blood samples are critical for the success of this research. We were pleased to be a site for the CIRCLES biorepository sponsored by the Guthy Jackson Research Foundation, and are continuing to collect blood from our own patients and the Mass General Brigham BioBank.

Clinical Trials

The Neuroimmunology Clinic is a site for several sponsored studies, including:

  • Eculizumab for children with AQP4+ NMOSD – Now enrolling
    To enroll, contact Dr. Levy, mlevy11@mgh.harvard.edu
  • Inebulizumab for children with AQP4+ NMOSD – Now enrolling
    To enroll, contact Dr. Levy, mlevy11@mgh.harvard.edu
  • Inebulizumab for adults with anti-NMDAR encephalitis – Now enrolling
    To enroll, contact Melanie, mdelgado7@mgh.harvard.edu
  • Rozanolixizumab for adults with MOGAD – Now enrolling
    To enroll, contact Ozden, oozkurakinci@mgh.harvard.edu
  • Rozanolixizumab for adults with LGI1 autoimmune encephalitis – Now enrolling
    To enroll, contact Dr. Levy, mlevy11@mgh.harvard.edu
  • Satralizumab for people age 12 + with MOGAD – Now enrolling
    To enroll, contact Melanie, mdelgado7@mgh.harvard.edu
  • Satralizumab for adults with NMOSD who weigh over 210 pounds – Now enrolling
    To enroll, contact Aisha, aseard@mgh.harvard.edu
  • Nabiximols for spasticity in adults with NMO – Enrolling soon
    For information, contact Melanie, mdelgado7@mgh.harvard.edu
  • SPHERES (With Guthy Jackson Charitable Foundation and CorEvitas) – a registry for patients with NMOSD to ascertain treatment efficacy and safety – Now enrolling
    To enroll, please ask your neurologist at time of visit
  • Registry for adults with NMOSD on Soliris or Ultomiris – Now enrolling
    To enroll, contact Becca, rsalky@mgh.harvard.edu
  • Stem cell transplants for adults with Secondary Progressive MS – Now enrolling
    To enroll, contact Becca, rsalky@mgh.harvard.edu
  • Performance and safety of a digital tool for clinical and self-assessment for adults with NMOSD – Now enrolling
    To enroll, contact Aisha, aseard@mgh.harvard.edu
  • Ravulizumab in adults – No longer enrolling
  • Point-of-care dry blood spot diagnostic test for AQP4+ patients – No longer enrolling
  • TENS for pain in AQP4+ NMO – No longer enrolling
  • Preference for home infusions of Inebilizumab for adults with NMO – No longer enrolling

Please ask your doctor if you can participate in any of the trials for which we are now recruiting patients.

We look forward to hosting additional trials in the future and will announce the research as it becomes available to our patients.

Education and Outreach

Dr. Matiello speaks at Boston Patient Day 2019
Dr. Matiello speaks at Boston Patient Day 2019.

The Neuroimmunology Clinic and Research Laboratory is a center for education about NMOSD, MOGAD and related disorders.

For professionals, we house fellowship programs, host medical residents and offer educational programming. We are working to raise awareness among physicians around the world about these often-unknown diseases.

For patients and the public at large, we are raising the profile of NMOSD and MOGAD, increasing name recognition and promoting understanding about living with invisible chronic illness. The Clinic provides its own educational programs and partners with other institutions to offer learning opportunities for patients and their communities, including, but not limited to “patient days”, CME classes, podcasts and webinars, and conferences. We hosted the first conference for physicians on MOGAD in 2022 and the second in 2023 (see photo below). In the future, we will partner with other hosts to carry forward this new tradition.

International MOGAD conference at Harvard, September 2023
International MOGAD conference at Harvard, September 2023

Surveys and Questionnaires

Other Patient Resources

Direct manufacturer assistance, including financial support, care coordination and educational resources is available for patients using medications from Alexion, Genentech/Roche and Horizon Therapeutics. In addition, we can recommend the following patient support and advocacy organizations:

  • Patients Like Me - A patient-led community where you can share your experiences and learn from others

Financial assistance organizations for patients include:

  • Victoria's Victory - Small grants for in-home nursing services, home & mobility equipment, vehicle/driver assistance
  • The Assistance Fund - Financial support for eligible patients including travel costs and copays
  • NeedyMeds - Connecting patients with programs offering help with healthcare costs
  • PAN Foundation - The Patient Access Network helps patients with out-of-pocket medical costs
  • RxAssist - Comprehensive directory of patient assistance programs
  • 180 Medical Scholarships - College scholarships for people with TM and other conditions
  • Patient Assistance - Multiple programs to assist patients with rare diseases
  • My Good Days - Small copay assistance for NMOSD patients

Pediatric Clinic

Tanija ChitnisTanuja Chitnis, MD

  • Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
  • Director, Mass General Brigham Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Center, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Director, Translational Neuroimmunology Research Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
  • Director, CLIMB Study, Mass General Brigham Multiple Sclerosis Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Pediatric Research

Michael Levy, MD, PhD Michael Levy, MD, PhD

  • Director, NMO Clinic and Research Laboratory
  • Research Director, Division of Neuroimmunology & Neuroinfectious Disease


Monique Anderson
Monique Anderson

  • Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology Fellow

Philippe Bilodeau
Philippe Bilodeau

  • Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology Fellow

Natasha Bobrowski-Khoury
Natasha Bobrowski-Khoury

  • Administrator Robert and Donna Landreth Fellow, Lurie Center for Autism and Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Natalia Drosu
Natalia Drosu

  • National MS Society Postdoctoral Fellow

Takahisa Mikami
Takahisa Mikami

  • Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology Fellow

Shuhei Nishiyama
Shuhei Nishiyama

  • Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology Fellow

Other Team Members

Gabriela RomanowGabriela Romanow

  • Administrator for Community Relations, Clinical Research Coordinator (Mon - Thurs)

Zaida OrtegaZaida Ortega

  • Practice Manager

Santiago Pardo
Santiago Pardo

  • Senior Research Technologist

Rebecca Salky
Rebecca Salky

  • Program Manager

Clinical Research Coordinators

Aisha Seard
Aisha Seard

Ozden Ozkur Akinci
Ozden Ozkur Akinci

Melanie Delgado
Melanie Delgado