Biomedical cores complement the interests of CSIBD investigators and promote research in areas of recognized priority in advancing the understanding of IBD.

Human Genetics and Microbiome Core

The Human Genetics and Microbiome Core strives to provide the CSIBD community with current and emerging ‘omics technology to accelerate research on IBD and other digestive diseases. This core focuses on both the host and microbial dimensions and follow-on functional investigation that are at the leading edge of IBD research worldwide, and makes these approaches and results broadly available to the CSIBD community. Access to these resources is achieved through the provision of technical services, analytic support, and training for CSIBD members. The combined resources and expertise of this core are at the forefront of best practices in genetics and microbiome research that are available in few research environments.

The parallel and rapid developments in genomics, imaging, and machine learning (ML) over the past twenty years make now the perfect time to incorporate state-of-the-art ML methodologies and imaging applications into the CSIBD. These approaches will enable understanding the circuitry of digestive diseases and identifying new therapeutic targets. Over the last year, in response to CSIBD member requests with input from the External Advisory Committee, the Center initiated a pilot project to advance ML approaches across basic, translational, and clinical studies.

Cell Circuits and Immunology Core

The Cell Circuits and Immunology Core is founded on the overarching idea that the development of IBD is dependent upon the activation of mucosal leukocyte populations and the production of inflammatory mediators. This core strives to enhance cohesion between basic immunology, translational and clinical aspects of IBD. To this end, the Core provides CSIBD investigators with expertise in design, implementation, and analysis of immunological assays by equipping the community with cost-effective access to crucial instruments, reagents, protocols, training, and education.

Cellular and In Vivo Models Core

The Cellular and In Vivo Models Core aims to advance and improve the level of support for research programs of CSIBD investigators and the wider digestive disease research community. This core provides investigators with technical support, expertise, and access to high-end instrumentation necessary for morphological, immuno-cytochemical, and cell biological studies related to digestive disease and IBD research. Additionally, the core offers expert advice for the generation, implementation, and analysis of in vitro and in vivo model systems during investigations of genes and pathways that yield insight into cellular networks contributing to IBD and other digestive diseases.

Clinical Core

The Clinical Core serves an integral function of the CSIBD by providing an infrastructure to facilitate the translation of basic research findings into a clinical setting. The core serves as a hub between clinicians and basic scientists seeking to advance therapeutics and develop tools for early diagnosis and risk stratification. Key components of this core are the PRISM (Prospective Registry in IBD Study at MGH) and GIDER (GI Disease and Endoscopy Registery) registries, which together include more than 5,500 enrolled IBD patients and healthy individuals. In addition, the core provides clinical research support for consultations regarding study design, exectution, and analysis for studies involving human samples.