Urgent Care Centers Reduce the Need for Emergency Department Visits in Patients With Neck Trauma
Findings offer support that urgent care centers can cut costs and reduce emergency department overcrowding in this population.
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American Board Certifications
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Dr. Gee's research focuses on development and implementation of novel MRI-based techniques for evaluating cancer and inflammatory bowel disease.
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Mass General Radiology strives to address inequities in health and healthcare and to promote the advancement of a diverse and inclusive workforce.
Mass General is recognized as a top hospital on the U.S. News Best Hospitals Honor Roll for 2024-2025.
Findings offer support that urgent care centers can cut costs and reduce emergency department overcrowding in this population.
In a recent article in the journal Radiology, a team of researchers in the Department of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital reported on their development of a potential alternative to gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Findings offer support that urgent care centers can cut costs and reduce emergency department overcrowding in this population.
In a recent article in the journal Radiology, a team of researchers in the Department of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital reported on their development of a potential alternative to gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Findings offer support that urgent care centers can cut costs and reduce emergency department overcrowding in this population.
In a recent article in the journal Radiology, a team of researchers in the Department of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital reported on their development of a potential alternative to gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).