Ayudando a las personas mayores a manejar la soledad y la ansiedad durante la crisis del COVID-19
Mientras que las personas mayores están experimentando la crisis del coronavirus de varias maneras, una circunstancia es universal: todas están más aisladas que de costumbre, lo que resulta en muchos más casos de soledad y ansiedad.
He was very thorough and professional. Gave us a full 90 minutes of his time. We were very impressed by him.
Very interested in what I said. Gave me great idesd
Thorough, concerned, professional and willing to listen
Dr. Russell listened carefully to what I had to say and he made helpful recommendations. He was genuinely concerned about me and my health issues.
Dr. Russell was well prepared and knowledgeable about my overall care at MGH and all the providers I see, as well as all the medications I take. I was very impressed by the obvious time taken prior to my appointment to understand the care I receive and his recommendations on my prescriptions as well as suggested changes. Very thorough care ... Read More
Feel very fortunate to have such a caring and knowledgeable physician as my PCP.
Very knowledgeable, professional, upbeat and interactive!
So, I was extremely pleased with everything that happened at Senior Health or Geriatric, whatever it's called now. Dr. Russell was most attentive and very impressive, and I really liked meeting him.