Our seminar series include investigators from within the Boston area research community as well as from other national and international institutions. The series highlight areas of scientific progress relevant to IBD and digestive disease research.

CSIBD Research Seminar Series

The CSIBD Research Seminar Series focuses on inviting outside investigators to present recent findings and introduce new tools relevant to IBD and digestive disease. Speakers spend a day meeting investigators and have lunch with trainees; this format exposes researchers to the IBD community and provides opportunities to network, develop new research initiatives, and form collaborations.

Gastroenterology Clinical and Research Seminar Series

Our biweekly GI Clinical and Research Seminar Series invites national and international investigators to give state-of-the-art lectures, present recent scientific advances, and introduce new tools and technologies relevant to IBD and digestive disease research. These seminars also provide CSIBD members the opportunity to develop new research initiatives and network with prominent scientists in outside laboratories.

Immunology Program Series

The weekly Immunology Program Seminar, Grand Rounds, and Work-In-Progress Series bring world-renowned immunology experts to visit the greater MGH community and present work on a wide variety of topics in basic and clinical immunology. Meetings are held in-person with an option to join remotely through Zoom. Integrated into these seminar series are opportunities for students and fellows to interact with speakers. Seminar speakers also spend the day interacting individually with CSIBD investigators, with half of the meetings reserved for junior investigators. Immunology Grand Rounds meetings in particular feature talks from clinicians, translational scientists, and basic research investigators on a clinically-relevant topic each month. Work-In-Progress meetings are designed to provide opportunities, especially for trainees, to present recent results and challenges as well as to receive feedback and suggestions on ongoing projects.