About Katie Weagle, MS, CCLS

Katie Weagle is a child life specialist in the Pediatric Imaging Program, supporting patients undergoing imaging exams and interventional procedures in a family-centered environment.

As a child life specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital, I have the unique opportunity to provide therapeutic support to our pediatric patients, as well as their families,to help them cope with the challenges of hospitalization, illness and other medical needs.  Through the use of play, preparation and education I am able to help make an unfamiliar environment less scary and empower them to have a bit of control when it may feel like they have none.  I am truly inspired each and every day by the perseverance and positive attitudes of our patients.  They face the challenges in their lives head on and with the utmost courage.  I am also fortunate to work with an exceptional group of individuals who strive to provide the absolute best care to our patients and their families.

