Janet Bell, RNC-NIC, MSN
Janet Bell, RNC-NIC, MSN
Contact Information
Mass General
Boston, MA
About Janet Bell, RNC-NIC, MSN
Janet has over 30 years neonatal nursing experience at MGH. She was a NICU staff nurse and attending nurse prior to obtaining her master of nursing degree in patient safety and quality. Janet is currently the neonatal nursing practice specialist for the Special Care Nursery & Newborn Family Unit focusing on staff education, advancing nursing practice and the safe delivery of care to all newborns. Janet has been involved in multidisciplinary process and quality improvement projects throughout the newborn service. Such initiatives have included early infant feeding, high-flow nasal cannula, improving delivery room team response and care of the opioid exposed infant.
Clinical Interests:
- Quality & Safety
- Simulation
- Neonatal Resuscitation
- Pediatrics
- English