About Lael Yonker, MD

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Clinical Interests:



Mass General for Children: Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine
275 Cambridge Street
Suite 530
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-8707

Mass General for Children at Southern New Hampshire Medical Center
19 Tyler Street
Suite 103
Nashua, NH 03060
Phone: 603-577-2000
Phone: 603-577-5360

Medical Education

  • MD, UMASS Medical School
  • Residency, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital

American Board Certifications

  • Pediatric Pulmonology, American Board of Pediatrics
  • Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


  • Drenkard E*, Hibbler RM*, Gutu DA, Eaton AD, Silverio AL, Ausubel FM, Hurley BP**, Yonker LM**. Replication of the ordered, nonredundant library of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PA14 transposon insertion mutants. Journal of Visualized Experiments. Accepted, In-press.

    Yonker LM, Pazos MA, Mou H, Chu KK, Eaton AD, Bonventre JV, Tearney GJ, Rajagopal J, Hurley BP. Neutrophil-derived cytosolic PLA2α contributes to bacterial-induced neutrophil trans-epithelial migration. Journal of Immunology. J Immunol. 2017 Oct 15;199(8):2873-2884. PMID: 28887431

    Yonker LM*, Mou H*, Chu KK, Pazos MA, Leung H, Cu D, Ryu J, Hibbler RM, Eaton AD, Ford TN, Falck JR, Kinane TB, Tearney GJ, Rajagopal J, Hurley BP. Development of a Primary Human Co-Culture Model of Inflamed Airway Mucosa. Scientific Reports. 2017 Aug 15;7(1):8182. PMID: 28811631

    Yonker LM, Cigana C, Hurley BP, Bragonzi A. Host-pathogen interplay in the respiratory environment of cystic fibrosis. J Cystic Fibrosis. 2015 Jul;14(4):431-9

    Friedman D, Linnemann RW, Altstein LL, Islam S, Bach KT, Lamb C, Volpe J, Doolittle C, St John A, O'Malley PJ, Sawicki GS, Georgiopoulos AM, Yonker LM*, Moskowitz SM*. The CF-CARES primary palliative care model: A CF-specific structured assessment of symptoms, distress, and coping. J Cyst Fibros. 2017 Mar 14. pii: S1569-1993(17)30077-2. PMID: 28302366