Centri che partecipano al Celiac Disease Genomic Environmental Microbiome and Metabolomic (CDGEMM) study 

Stati Uniti

Investigatore Principale: Alessio Fasano, MD
Co-Investigatore: Maureen Leonard, MD, MMSc
The Center for Celiac Research and Treatment
Mass General Hospital for Children
Boston, MA
Contatto: CDGEMM@mgh.harvard.edu or 617-643-4366
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Investigatore Principale: Salvatore Cucchiara, MD, PhD 
Co-Investigatore: Francesco Valitutti, MD 
Sapienza University of Rome 
University Hospital Umberto I, Rome 
Rome, Italy Contatto: CDGEMMIta@mgh.harvard.edu 
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Investigatore Principale: Luca Elli, MD 
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda 
Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico 
Milan, Italy 
Contatto: CDGEMMIta@mgh.harvard.edu 
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Investigatore Principale: Gemma Castillejo 
Hospital Universitari de Sant Joan de Reus 
Reus, Spain 
Contatto: CDGEMMESCA@mgh.harvard.edu 
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