The CARE Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital is led by a collaborative group of scientists, clinicians, community organizers, communication experts and designers, working to innovate engagement in clinical research both within the medical research setting and the community.

Abigail Bergey
Research Program Coordinator
Chastity Bowick
Assistant Director, Community Engagement
Diana Cardona
Senior Community Organizer
Elma De Sousa
Research Program Coordinator
Whitney Dodson
Staff Assistant
Udochi Emeghara
Community Organizer
Helen Hemley, MPA
Program Manager
Jonathan Jackson, PhD
Executive Director
Ariel Perry
Community Organizer
Marissa Reynolds
Senior Clinical Research Coordinator
Ashley Richards
Curriculum Director, FOREVER Study
Ashley Soriano
Executive Assistant
Paige Sparks
Program Manager
Nicole Taikeff, MPH
Project Manager
Position Available
A Postdoctoral Research Fellow position is open within the Community Access, Recruitment and Engagement (CARE) Research Center at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in the Division of Neurology. This position is tied to a 4-year ongoing NIH Director’s Pioneer Award Program (DP1AG069873) for the Foundations of Representative Engagement, Valid & Effective Recruitment (FOREVER) in AD Research (FOREVER) study. The overarching goal of this project is to develop robust mechanisms of efficacy in recruitment, engagement, and retention (RER) to clinical research. This project has a focus on participation and recruitment barriers disproportionately experienced by groups historically underrepresented in research, including racial and ethnic minoritized groups; LGBT / queer populations; rural residents; Native tribal communities; low-income neighborhoods; individuals with less than a high-school education, and particularly the intersections of these identities. We are seeking a motivated postdoctoral fellow for a minimum of two years to advance quantified measures of inclusion and access to dementia research, ensuring that marginalized populations pave the way towards an inclusive innovative future of science and medicine. About CARE: Our mission is to ensure that advances in medicine work for everyone. CARE is focused on creating a clear, testable science of research engagement, recruitment, and retention. This framework is based upon community-led partnerships as the foundation for health equity. We are committed to ensuring that these principles and practices are rooted in diverse and inclusive research design.
Additional details: The CARE Research Center values open communication, innovation, and collaboration. Individualized mentorship will be provided by CARE Executive Director, Dr. Jonathan Jackson, including focused attention on career development and growth. In addition to work within CARE, candidates will have the opportunity to interact with the larger MGH and Harvard Medical School (HMS) research communities. Other training for Research Fellows includes: Participation in regular lab meetings and journal clubs, opportunities to present work at scientific conferences/meetings including the annual Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, up to 4 hours/week of protected time for community outreach, guidance for establishing independent grant funding, and preparation and submission of scientific manuscripts for publication. The position is fully funded for up to 2 years with the expectation that additional years would be supported by independent research support. Fellows may be considered for admission to the tenure track at HMS, depending on alignment of performance and career goals during the fellowship.
Qualifications and Requirements: Candidates should hold a PhD in Neuroscience or a related discipline, have a robust background in research including strong scientific writing and organizational skills, a robust publication record including first (or co-first) author of one or more peer-reviewed scientific publications, and a passion for and commitment to health equity. The ideal candidate would be interested in growing into a faculty position within CARE. Applicants should be highly motivated with an ability to work independently and collaboratively. A background in Alzheimer’s disease is preferred but not a requirement.
Benefits: This is a full-time position with an initial salary of $75,000 per year. The position is benefits eligible through the MGPO, including medical and dental insurance plans, a prescription drug plan, a vision care plan, a pre-tax flexible spending account, long-term disability insurance, life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance plans, a tax-sheltered annuity program, long term care coverage, and paid time off.
Application: Interested candidates should include a CV and cover letter including a summary of their research accomplishments, research interested, and career goals to Dr. Jonathan Jackson (JJACKSON31@PARTNERS.ORG).