Morton’s neuromas are pinched nerves that occurred in the forefoot. The tissue surrounding the nerve thickens and can cause pain or numbness. Symptoms are typically worse with narrow shoes. It may also feel like you are walking on a marble. Morton's neuroma most frequently develops between the third and fourth toes, usually in response to irritation, trauma or excessive pressure.


During the examination, you may feel a palpable mass or a "click" between the bones. X-rays may be required to rule out a stress fracture or arthritis of the joints that join the toes to the foot. Presence of a neuroma can be confirmed with an ultrasound.


Initial therapies are nonsurgical and relatively simple. They can involve one or more of the following treatments:

  • Changes in footwear. Avoid high heels or tight shoes, and wear wider shoes with lower heels and a soft sole. This enables the bones to spread out and may reduce pressure on the nerve, giving it time to heal.
  • Orthotics with a pad to reducing the pressure on the nerve.
  • Injection - Cortisone can reduce the swelling and inflammation of the nerve, bringing some relief.
  • Surgery to remove the neuroma.