Nail Bed Injuries
Contact Information
Our hand and arm clinicians see patients at these locations:
Mass General - Boston
55 Fruit Street
Yawkey Center for Outpatient Care, Suite 2C
Boston, MA 02114
Mass General Brigham Healthcare Center (Waltham)
52 Second Avenue
Blue Building, 3rd Floor, Suite 3300
Waltham, MA 02451
Mass General Brigham Healthcare Center (Danvers)
104 Endicott Street
Lower Level, Suite LL00
Danvers, MA 01923
What is involved with nail bed injuries?
Nail bed injuries can involve damage to bones, nail bed, fingertip skin (pulp), tendons, and nerve endings.
What causes nail bed injuries?
Many result from crush injuries after getting the fingertip caught in a door. Any type of pinching, crushing, or sharp cut to the fingertip may result in injury to the nail bed.
Presentation of nail bed injuries
Simple crushes of the fingertip may result in a very painful collection of blood (hematoma) under the nail. More severe injuries can result in cracking of the nail into pieces, or tearing off of pieces of the nail and/or fingertip, and possible injuries to the adjacent structures.
Diagnosis of nail bed injuries
X-rays are recommended to look for associated fractures that may require treatment. The full extent of the injury may not be evident until adequate anesthesia (usually local) is given and the nail is examined with magnification. Other medical conditions that may affect healing should be discussed with your physician.
Treatment of nail bed injuries
- Restoring the normal anatomy of the nail and surrounding structures is the goal of treatment.
- Simple hematomas are drained by making a small hole in the nail in order to relieve the pressure and provide pain relief.
- Straightforward cuts are repaired to put the parts back where they belong.
- Repairing the nail bed to which the fragments of bone are attached usually restores alignment of many fractures of the fingertip.
- Larger fragments of bone may need to be pinned or require splinting to heal the fracture.
- Missing areas of nail bed can be grafted from the same finger or from other digits.
- Tendon injury may require splinting or pinning.
- Local flaps of skin may be used to replace missing skin, or the open area of skin may be allowed to just heal on its own, or covered with a skin graft.
Surgical Reconstruction
Loss of part or all of the nail bed can be reconstructed with grafts from other digits. Grafts may be taken from the nail bed of a toe to prevent further injury or deformity of the fingers. The most common graft is a split-thickness graft to reconstruct missing nail bed.
The final appearance and function of the nail and surrounding structures depends on the ability to restore the normal anatomy. If the injury is sharp and can be repaired, a normal nail is likely. If there is more severe crushing of the nail bed, then there is a greater likelihood of nail bed scarring and subsequent deformity of the nail. If the germinal matrix (crescent-shaped zone at the base of the nail bed from which the nail grows) is injured, there will likely be a deformity of the nail as it grows. The function of the fingertip also depends on the extent of injury to structures other than the nail. It normally takes 3-6 months for the nail to grow from the cuticle to the tip of the finger.
Used with permission from American Society for Surgery of the Hand.
Meet our Team
Our hand & arm clinicians use innovative approaches to treat hand and elbow disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, nerve injuries, and complex hand & elbow fractures.
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