A sample of topics our faculty will be presenting at AAOS 2022 include:

  • When the Physician Becomes the Patient: Considerations for Work, Life, and Leadership
  • Repairing Bucket-Handle Medial Meniscal Tears by Using an Inside-Out Technique Without a Safety Incision
  • Management of Most Common Foot and Ankle Pathologies
  • Telemedicine after COVID-19: Incorporating Virtual Visits into an Orthopaedic Practice
  • Tumors and Tumor-Like Conditions of which Every Orthopaedist Should Be Aware
  • The Scapula: The Greater Masquerader of Shoulder Pathologies
  • Ulnar-Sided Wrist Pain: Diagnostic and Surgical Tips for Common Pathologies
  • Avoiding Pitfalls in Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery


Read more about the paper presentations, case presentations, lectures and symposiums our Mass General clinicians are participating in at the 2022 AAOS Annual Meeting:

Tuesday, March 22

Paper Presentations • Adult Reconstruction Knee I
018: Concomitant Hip and Knee Periprosthetic Joint Infection in Periprosthetic Fracture: Diagnostic Utility of Serum and Synovial Fluid Markers
C Klemt, J Van Den Kieboom, L Xiong, RV Oganesyan, V Tirumala, YM Kwon

023-033: Paper Presentations • Practice Management/Rehabilitation I
023: Housing Instability, Unemployment, Lack of Transportation, and Trouble Affording Medications are Associated with Worse PROMIS Scores at Initial Presentation to an Orthopaedic Surgery Clinic
AV Karhade, CM Bono, D Tobert, D Bernstein, JH Schwab, MB Harris

181: Case Presentation • Foot & Ankle
Management of Most Common Foot and Ankle Pathologies
D Guss

106: Instructional Course Lectures • Practice Management/Rehabilitation
Telemedicine after COVID-19: Incorporating Virtual Visits into an Orthopaedic Practice
MJ Tanaka

068-078: Paper Presentations • Sports Medicine I
070: Return to Play and Player Performance following Ankle Fractures in Elite European Soccer Players: A Case-Control Study
A Korrapati, B Forsythe, CC Diaz; EJ Berlinberg, E Forlenza, E O'Donnell, GJ Farah, HH Patel, O Lavoie-Gagne

079-089: Paper Presentations • Practice Management/Rehabilitation II
Moderator: MJ Tanaka

101-111: Paper Presentations • Adult Reconstruction Knee II
106: A Comparison of Cementless vs. Cemented Total Knee Replacement: Minimal Difference in Early Outcomes
A Diane; B Chalmers, GH Westrich, K Alpaugh, MP Ast, SA Jerabek, YF Chiu

Orthopaedic Video Theater

OVT028-OVT046: Hand & Wrist:
OVT034: Removal of Hardware and Reconstruction of the Proximal Pole via a Proximal Hamate Autograft
A Bhashyam, AL Cherones, JI Huang

OVT037: Hypothenar Fat Pad Flap for Median Nerve Coverage
A Bhashyam, AL Cherones, K Khoo, N Iannuzzi, SD Zoller

OVT038: Dorsal Route Dynamic Transfer of the Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Tendon With a Palmaris Longus Tendon Autograft (Brand Transfer)
A Bhashyam, AL Cherones, K Khoo, N Iannuzzi, SD Zoller

OVT059 – OVT074: Shoulder & Elbow:
OVT067: Limited Posterior Approach for Internal Fixation of Scapular Fracture: From Anatomy to Surgical Procedure
A Vanegas, FJ Monsalve, L Bejarano-Pineda, MO Serna; OA Mejía, SJG Bermudez, SO Arango, WH Marquez

OVT077-OVT106: Sports Medicine:
OVT099: Repairing Bucket-Handle Medial Meniscal Tears by Using an Inside-Out Technique Without a Safety Incision
CT Eberlin, M Summers, MP Kucharik, SD Martin

Wednesday, March 23

204: Instructional Course Lectures • General
Moderator 1: MJ Tanaka
When the Physician Becomes the Patient: Considerations for Work, Life, and Leadership
CM Bono

299-309: Paper Presentations • Sports Medicine II
309: Second Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear is associated with Three-Fold Increase in Chondral Injuries
GJ Kearney, LS Oh, MJ McKay, MJ Tanaka

Symposium J: Musculoskeletal Oncology
Tumors and Tumor-Like Conditions of which Every Orthopaedist Should be Aware
KA Raskin

287: Case Presentation • Shoulder and Elbow
Management of Humeral and Glenoid Bone Deficiency in Shoulder Arthroplasty
JP Warner

Thursday, March 24

Symposium K: General
Increasing Diversity in Orthopaedics: The Problem, Strategies, and Solutions
C Pean

AE06: Ask an Expert • Shoulder
Present your patient case challenges and receive expert diagnosis and recommendations
Moderators: M Frankle, JP Warner

309: Instructional Course Lectures • Shoulder & Elbow
The Scapula: The Greater Masquerader of Shoulder Pathologies
JP Warner, B Elhassan

325: Instructional Course Lectures • Hand & Wrist
Ulnar-Sided Wrist Pain: Diagnostic and Surgical Tips for Common Pathologies
NC Chen

328: Instructional Course Lectures • Spine
Avoiding Pitfalls in Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery
Moderator: S Hershman

383: Case Presentation • Spine
Degenerative Spondylolisthesis: An Evidence-Based Assessment of Treatment Options and Outcomes
H Fogel

409-419: Paper Presentations • Trauma V
410: Does Construct Stiffness Really Matter in Plated Distal Femur Fractures? Reevaluation of a Previously Defined Construct Rigidity Score
EF Swart, K Alpaugh, MJ Poorman, OS Enabulele

475-485: Paper Presentations • Spine VII
Moderators: S Hershman, V Patel

497-507: Paper Presentations • Sports Medicine IV
497: Arthroscopic Acetabular Labral Repair vs. Labral Debridement: Long-Term Survivorship and Functional Outcomes
CT Eberlin, M Nazal, MP Kucharik, N Varady, PF Abraham, S Naessig, SD Martin, WM Meek

Friday, March 25

597-607: Paper Presentations • Adult Reconstruction Knee VIII
607: The Performance of Diagnostic Tests for Identifying Periprosthetic Joint Infection after Failed Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty
AE Canas, CM Melnic, HS Bedair, J Lans, MS Salimy, W Cohen-Levy

484: Case Presentation • Musculoskeletal Oncology
How to Stay Out of Trouble in the Pediatric/Adolescent Patient
KA Raskin

448: Instructional Course Lectures • Shoulder & Elbow
Emerging Treatment Options for Massive Rotator Cuff Tears
B Elhassan

652-662: Paper Presentations • Adult Reconstruction Knee IX
Moderators: YM Kwon, W Sherman

Saturday, March 26: Specialty Day

Arthroscopy Association of North America and the Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society (AANA/RJOS)

  • Tissue is the Issue: MPFL, MQTFL, LRL
    MJ Tanaka
  • Case Discussion
    DR Diduch, EA Arendt, JM Brady, LD Farrow, MJ Tanaka

Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS)

  • Session II: Point Counterpoint - Controversies in Sarcoma Surgery (Case Based)
    SA Lozano-Calderon
  • Final Remarks
    MP Mott, SA Lozano-Calderon

Limb Lengthening & Reconstruction Society (LLRS)

  • Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Anatomy and Reconstruction
    MJ Tanaka

American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons (ASES)

  • Outcome of the Parachute Procedure for the Management of Massive Irreparable Anterior-Superior-Posterior Rotator Cuff Tears
    B Elhassan, K Dang, C Harstad, T Huynh


The 2022 AAOS Annual Meeting Poster Sessions include the following presentations from Mass General clinicians:

Poster Session 1

Poster No. 0059
Metal Ion Levels in a Contemporary Modular Dual Mobility Construct
GH Westrich, K Alpaugh, MD Mishu

Poster No. 0112
Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Physical Function and Global Physical Health Subscale Strongly Correlate to the KOOS-Physical Function Shortform
AV Karhade, CM Melnic, D Tobert, D Bernstein, HS Bedair, YM Kwon

Poster No. 0168
Strengthening of the First Dorsal Interosseous for Thumb Carpometacarpal Osteoarthritis
JB Jupiter, K Lunn, NC Chen, R Gottlieb; SC Wilkens, YAJ Hoftiezer

Poster No. 0171
Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Outcomes in Distal Radius Fracture Patients:Is there Added Value of Long-Term PROMIS Outcomes?
E Chen, M Heng, M McTague, PCR Van Der Vet, Y Ochen

Poster No. 0181
Functional and Surgical Outcomes of Tibial Turn-Up to Achieve Limb Salvage in the Setting of Massive Femoral Bone Loss
D Ramsey, EA Berner, ET Newman, IL Valerio, KA Raskin, KR Eberlin, M Heng, M Fourman, SA Lozano-Calderon

Poster No. 0186
Pathological Fractures have No Long-Term Association with Adverse Oncological Outcomes in Ewing Sarcoma
DB Ramkumar, G Basile, KA Raskin, MC Gebhardt, ME Anderson, N Ramkumar, SA Lozano-Calderon, SP Kelly

Poster No. 0190
Intramedullary Photodynamic Nail Stabilization in Metastatic Bone Disease of the Pelvis
ET Newman, KA Raskin, SA Lozano-Calderon

Poster No. 0193
Clinical Outcome Differences in the Treatment of Impending versus Completed Pathological Long Bone Fractures
JH Schwab, OQ Groot

Poster No. 0195
Does the Skeletal Oncology Research Group Machine Learning Algorithm Accurately Predict 90-Day and One-Year Survival of Patients Surgically Treated for Long-Bone Metastatic Disease of Bone: An Internal Validation
AV Karhade, AK Collins, BP Fenn, D Ramsey, EA Berner, JH Schwab, M Fourman, OQ Groot, PK Twining

Poster No. 0308
Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty after Failed Tendon Transfer for Irreparable Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tears
BT Elhassan, C Harstad, E Marigi, J Sanchez-Sotelo, K Wieser, P Kriechling

Poster No. 0346
Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion versus Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion for L5-S1 Isthmic Spondylolisthesis: Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes
AM Crawford, A Pisano, AJ Schoenfeld, AK Simpson, B Striano, G Xiong, HM Lightsey, SH Hershman

Poster No. 0370
Effects of Cannabinoids on Spinal Fusion in a Rat Model
A Nazarian, C Yeung, CM Bono, D Yeritsyan, H Fogel, JH Schwab, K Momenzadeh, MB Harris, MR Abbasian

Poster No. 0379
Time to Return to Sport after Cervical Spine Fractures: A Survey of Current Spine Surgeons' Recommendations
A Theologis, MB Harris, N Hung, SS Hu, T McClellan, WK Hsu

Poster No. 0407
MRI Measurements of Trochlear Dysplasia: Which One Should We Use?
MJ Tanaka, A Sodhi, IT Wadhavkar, K Kane, K Varadarajan, P Tornetta

Poster Session 2

Poster No. 0537
The Use of Artificial Intelligence for the Prediction of Transfusion Rates in Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty
BMC De Oliveira, C Klemt, EG Eltouny, I Yeo, JA Dunahoe, J Esposito, MA Subih, Y Habibi, YM Kwon

Poster No. 0552
Timing of Spinal Fusion Did Not Affect Dislocation Rate after Total Hip Replacement
A Gonzalez Della Valle, A Diane, E Krell, F Boettner, JA Rodriguez, K Alpaugh, YF Chiu

Poster No. 0634
Pre-Manipulation Range of Motion Predicts Failure of Manipulation nder Anesthesia after Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty
A Cororaton, B Chalmers, GH Westrich, J Nguyen, K Alpaugh, PK Sculco

Poster No. 0663
Detection and Classification of the Fifth Metatarsal Fractures on X-Ray Radiographic Images: A Pilot Study
AF Flaherty, B Akhbari, CW DiGiovanni, D Guss, GR Waryasz, H Ghaednia, JH Schwab, SA Esfahani

Poster No. 0676
Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Upper Extremity and Global Physical Health Subscale Static Forms Strongly Correlate to the QuickDASH In New Hand and Upper Extremity Patients: An Analysis of ~ 20,000 Patients
A Bhashyam, AV Karhade, CS Mudgal, D Tobert, D Bernstein, NC Chen, R Garg

Poster No. 0679
Psychosocial and Functional Impact of Digital Replantation
BE Van Der Heijden, J Lans, KR Eberlin, NC Chen, PLC Digiovanni, YAJ Hoftiezer

Poster No. 0682
Development and External Validation of Predictive Algorithms for 6-week Mortality in Spinal Metastasis using 3,675 Patients from 4 Institutions
AV. Karhade, A Shah, BP Fenn, CM Bono, D Tobert, E Steyerberg, JH Schwab, MB Harris, OQ Groot

Poster No. 0683
Comparison of Classically and Machine Learning Generated Survival Prediction Models for Patients with Spinal Metastasis: A Meta-Analysis of Two Recently Developed Algorithms
AV Karhade, HC Hsieh, HK Yen, JH Schwab, MH Yen, MER Bongers, MH Hu, OQ Groot, WH Lin

Poster No. 0752
Completion of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures at New Orthopaedic Clinic Visits is Influenced by Social Determinants of Health
AV Karhade, CM Bono, D Tobert, D Bernstein, JH Schwab, MB Harris

Poster No. 0805
Systematic Review of Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Management of Instability following Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
E O'Donnell, J Olson, LS Oh, M Galetta, R Keller

Poster No. 0875
Does Nasal Screening for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Prevent Deep Surgical Site Infections for Elective Cervical Spinal Fusion?
CM Bono, D Tobert, G Xiong, JH Schwab, N Greene, SH Hershman

Poster No. 0937
Application of Machine Learning to Diagnose Patellar Instability on MRI using a Data-Driven Model
MJ Tanaka, A Sodhi, IT Wadhavkar; K Varadarajan, OK Muratoglu, A Borjali