Dr. Neal C. Chen brings a wide breadth of expertise to his practice, from advanced arthroscopy to complex extremity reconstruction. He has a balanced approach towards novel technologies and evidence-based medicine.
In 2002, Dr. Chen's father was in an accident, which broke both his arms and legs. At Mass General, Dr. Jesse Jupiter cared for his father's complex elbow and forearm fractures. As a result of his care, his father had an exceptional result. From this experience and the tutelage of Dr. Jupiter, Dr. Chen developed an interest in hand and upper extremity surgery.
Dr. Chen received his BS in Biological Sciences at Stanford University and his MD from Yale University. He completed residency at the Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency Program, the Hand and Upper Extremity Fellowship at Mass General and the Sports Medicine and Shoulder Fellowship at Hospital for Special Surgery.
He returned to Mass General after six years of both academic and private practice. He was previously a Sports Medicine Attending at the University of Michigan and subsequently was a partner at the Philadelphia Hand Center, P.C. while serving as an Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. As a fellow in New York, Dr. Chen was an assistant team physician for the New York Mets. In Ann Arbor, he served as a consultant to University of Michigan Athletics, a consultant to USA Hockey and team physician for Eastern Michigan University.
He has received a prestigious Basic Science Grant from the American Society for Surgery of the Hand/American Foundation for Surgery of the Hand. He has research sponsored by the AO Foundation for the study of shoulder fractures.
Dr. Chen has a clinical practice that encompasses complex problems of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. He performs shoulder and elbow replacement, tendon transfers, arthroscopy of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist, and repair of malaligned or unhealed fractures.
Hand Surgery, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery/General, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
Accepted Insurance Plans
Beech Street
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare
Commonwealth Care Alliance
Fallon Health
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Maine Community Health Options
Mass General Brigham Health Plan
Medicaid CT
Medicaid ME
Medicaid NH
Medicaid RI
Medicaid VT
Medicare ACO
Railroad Medicare
Senior Whole Health
Tufts Health Plan
United Health Care
WellSense NH
Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.
Dr. Chen's research interests include:
Advanced wrist and elbow arthroscopy
Arthroscopic assisted fracture repair
Improving treatment of complex upper extremity fractures
Improving elbow and wrist replacement
Select publications:
Chen NC, Jupiter JB, Steinmann SP, Ring D. Non-acute treatment of elbow fracture with persistent ulnohumeral dislocation or subluxation. J Bone Joint Surg 2014; 96(15):1308-1316.
Chen NC, Jupiter JB: Current Concepts: Treatment of distal radius fractures. J Bone Joint Surg 2007; 89: 2051-62.
Smith MV, Bedi A, Chen NC. Surgical treatment for osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum. Sports Health. 2012;4:425-32.
Chen NC, Shauver MJ, Chung KC. Cost-effectiveness of open partial fasciectomy, needle aponeurotomy,and collagenase: injection for Dupuytren contracture. J Hand Surg Am. 2011; 36:1826-1834.
Chen NC, Bedi A. Rotator cuff defect: acute or chronic? J Hand Surg Am. 2011; 36:513-5.
Chen NC, Culp RW, Osterman AL, Chung KC. "Wrist Arthroscopy" in Hand Surgery Update 5. ed. Chung KC. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Rosemont, 2011.
Chen NC, Cohen MS. "Total Elbow Arthroplasty" in Green's Operative Hand Surgery 7th Edition. Churchill Livingstone.
Reviews: Comments and Ratings
4.8out of 5(234 Ratings, 77 Comments)
December 2024
Very professional
December 2024
Dr. Chen is an exceptionally kind and caring professional. I have been in his care for 2 1/2 years. Each visit has reinforce my high regard for his exceptional knowledge.He is patient centered and an excellent listener. My husband and I have deeloped the upmost of respect for Dr.Chen and place trust in all his guidance.
December 2024
The clerks at the front desk are a little overbearing for no reason.
December 2024
Very thorough ,attentive and informative
December 2024
Hi and goodbye. All the care and all the, everything the doctors and nurses did was excellent. That's all I got to say. Thank you very much. Goodbye.
December 2024
Satisfied with the Consultation that I had with Dr.Chen and his team about my hand issues and his recommendation.
November 2024
Easy to get an appointment and all the staff were very nice
November 2024
Thank you, Dr. Church.
November 2024
Dr Chan is highly respected and deservedly so. [redacted] Dr Chan gave me his best medical advice, and offered me his best care under difficult circumstances. I am following his advice and medical recommendations,[redacted] Dr Chan is an excellent professional, and I'm fortunate to be in his care.
October 2024
Dr. Chen is a kind and outstanding surgeon. I'm so glad he's my doctor!
David Scraders traveled to Mass General for complex hand surgery in the hospital’s Plastic and Orthopaedic Hand Surgery Services, with care coordination by the International Patient Center.
من جانبه قال ديفيد: "عندما أخبرني أطبائي بمدى خطورة الإصابة، أُصبتُ بانهيار وبكيت. لو انتشر الالتهاب أكثر، كانوا سيبترون يدي وهو أمر كان سيمثل مصيبة لي باعتباري محبًا لرياضة التاي تشي وعملي صانعًا للوحات."
After a three-year hiatus because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 31st annual Richard J. Smith Memorial Lectureship and the 8th Annual Jesse Jupiter International Forum brought surgeons from around the globe to Boston for in-person presentations, roundtable conversations and networking.
Numbness and tingling of the fingers and hands are often related to common nerve compressions. Dr. Neal Chen discusses the common problems, treatment for mild symptoms, and when to see a provider for medical care.
Specialists from Mass General’s Department of Orthopaedic Surgery offer timely advice on creating an ideal work-from-home setup for relaxed and sustainable productivity.
Mientras trabajaba, David se lesionó gravemente la mano derecha, cortándose los tendones del dorso. En busca de una solución, David abordó un vuelo de dos horas de las Bermudas a Boston para reunirse con un equipo de médicos de Mass General.
David Scraders traveled to Mass General for complex hand surgery in the hospital’s Plastic and Orthopaedic Hand Surgery Services, with care coordination by the International Patient Center.
من جانبه قال ديفيد: "عندما أخبرني أطبائي بمدى خطورة الإصابة، أُصبتُ بانهيار وبكيت. لو انتشر الالتهاب أكثر، كانوا سيبترون يدي وهو أمر كان سيمثل مصيبة لي باعتباري محبًا لرياضة التاي تشي وعملي صانعًا للوحات."
After a three-year hiatus because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 31st annual Richard J. Smith Memorial Lectureship and the 8th Annual Jesse Jupiter International Forum brought surgeons from around the globe to Boston for in-person presentations, roundtable conversations and networking.
Numbness and tingling of the fingers and hands are often related to common nerve compressions. Dr. Neal Chen discusses the common problems, treatment for mild symptoms, and when to see a provider for medical care.
Very professional
Dr. Chen is an exceptionally kind and caring professional. I have been in his care for 2 1/2 years. Each visit has reinforce my high regard for his exceptional knowledge.He is patient centered and an excellent listener. My husband and I have deeloped the upmost of respect for Dr.Chen and place trust in all his guidance.
The clerks at the front desk are a little overbearing for no reason.
Very thorough ,attentive and informative
Hi and goodbye. All the care and all the, everything the doctors and nurses did was excellent. That's all I got to say. Thank you very much. Goodbye.
Satisfied with the Consultation that I had with Dr.Chen and his team about my hand issues and his recommendation.
Easy to get an appointment and all the staff were very nice
Thank you, Dr. Church.
Dr Chan is highly respected and deservedly so. [redacted] Dr Chan gave me his best medical advice, and offered me his best care under difficult circumstances. I am following his advice and medical recommendations,[redacted] Dr Chan is an excellent professional, and I'm fortunate to be in his care.
Dr. Chen is a kind and outstanding surgeon. I'm so glad he's my doctor!