Scientific resources for researchers investigating X-linked Dystonia-Parkinsonism.

Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPSCs)
A collection iPSCs including affected men and women, unaffected controls, and carrier females is available at WiCell, Inc.
Lymphoblasts from dystonia patients including XDP (DYT3) and controls may be requested from the Dystonia Mass General Brigham Research Bank at MGH by contacting Amy Alessi, PhD.
An extensive collection of fibroblasts from dystonia patients, including XDP (DYT3), were recently deposited at RUCDR Infinite Biologicals and will come online on a rolling basis.Please note that fibroblasts are a limited resource. Availability will depend on how often lines are requested.
DNA from dystonia patients including XDP (DYT3) are available at Coriell.

Postmortem Brain Tissue
Samples from postmortem XDP brains are available for research. Learn more about brain collection efforts (PDF).
Please note that due to the precious nature of this resource, an application and review by the Scientific Advisory Board and the XDP Brain Bank Tissue Committee is required before tissue distribution. Please contact Program Director Amy Alessi, PhD for additional information.
Mouse models
Conditional TAF1 floxed allele mice are available via The Jackson Laboratory.