About the Lab

The Mass General Program in Membrane Biology (PMB) within the Division of Nephrology brings together a diverse group of 40 faculty, fellows, technical, and administrative staff who collaborate in research related to the functional importance of cell membranes, membrane proteins, vesicle trafficking and signal transduction in physiologically important processes in epithelial and non-epithelial cells.

The PMB is also affiliated with the Center for Systems Biology.

PMB Microscopy Core Facility

The PMB houses an extensive Microscopy Core Facility that is an MGH-registered Core Facility, available on a fee-for-service basis. All aspects of microscopy from basic wide-field and fluorescence imaging, confocal imaging, live cell imaging and TIRF (total internal reflection microscopy), and electron microscopy are available. The official Core website provides more details regarding equipment, cost and contact information. Please click here for more information.