About the Fellowship
The Division of Nephrology carries out extensive research in the basic sciences using cell, molecular, and structural biology techniques and a number of model organisms. Postdoctoral research fellows in the Division of Nephrology are appointed by the Department of Medicine and at Harvard Medical School on an annual basis. Reappointments may be recommended annually for three to four years at the discretion of the supervising faculty member and the unit chief.
Foreign applicants for the Postdoctoral Research Fellowship are encouraged to seek funding prior to or concurrent with their application to the division. Stipend levels are determined by the sponsoring faculty member and are ordinarily comparable to that of NIH Fellows with an equivalent number of years of postdoctoral research experience. Fellows appointed to our division also receive full health insurance coverage.
Research Experience
Please visit the Faculty Development website for more information on our guidelines for research fellows.
How to Apply
Inquiries about the availability of pre- or postdoctoral fellowships and on application forms for these positions could also be addressed directly to the respective faculty member. If you would like to send us an e-mail, please state you name and that you are specifically requesting a postdoctoral fellowship application. In the "subject" of your message, please write "Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Application." Your message will be promptly acknowledged.
For additional information, please contact:
Wendy De Mille, Nephrology Academic Coordinator and ESRD Program Manager
Division of Nephrology
Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street, GRB 1003K
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-3706
Fax: 617-726-2288
Email: wdemille@partners.org