
Lymphocyte recirculation is a dynamic and tightly regulated process necessary for delivery of effective immune responses. While many memory T cells circulate through blood, a subset of memory T cells persists long-term within peripheral tissues. Localization of T cells within peripheral tissues, such as skin, provides rapid defense against invading pathogens. However, in some settings, the local persistence of T cells may contribute to local, recurring autoimmune diseases.

We are currently using mouse models of infection (herpes simplex virus) and autoimmunity (vitiligo) to study the interstitial migration, differentiation, persistence and response of memory T cells within the skin. We anticipate that these studies will define the contributions of cellular receptors and environmental factors to tissue-resident memory T cell differentiation and response. Defining the mechanisms that control the accumulation and response of T cells within peripheral tissues may inform vaccine development, as well as identify novel targets to eliminate pathogenic T cells from peripheral tissues for treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Research Projects

  • Regulation of Tissue-Resident Memory T Cell Differentiation and Response by Adhesion Receptors
  • Role of the Tissue Microenvironment in Regulating Tissue-Resident Memory T Cell Differentiation and Persistence
  • Therapeutic Targeting of Resident Memory T Cells in Autoimmune Disease

Meet Our Team

Principal Investigator

Shannon Bromley, PhD
Shannon Bromley, PhD
Principal Investigator,
Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases,
Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Research Team

Andrea Sama, Technician


Click here to view publications from this investigator.

Research Positions

If you are interested in applying for postdoctoral position, please e-mail your CV and a list of references to sbromley@mgh.harvard.edu.