The information we collect in this study may help advance other research. If you join this study, we may remove all information that identifies you (for example, your name, medical record number, and date of birth) and use these de-identified samples and data in other research. It won’t be possible to link the information or samples back to you. Information and/or samples may be shared with investigators at our hospitals, at other academic institutions or at for-profit, commercial entities. You will not be asked to provide additional informed consent for these uses.
Federal law requires us to protect the privacy of heath information and related information that identifies you. We refer to this information as “identifiable information." If identifiable information must be shared, we take safety steps to protect the privacy of this information. The study team will discuss these possible scenarios with you before you sign consent. If you withdraw your research consent at any time, you have the right to withdraw your permission for us to use or share your identifiable information. You also have the right to see and get a copy of your identifiable information that is used or shared for treatment or for payment.
Because research is an ongoing process, we cannot give you an exact date when we will either destroy or stop using or sharing your identifiable information. Your permission to use and share your identifiable information does not expire. The results of this research study may be published in a medical book or journal or used to teach others. However, your name or other identifiable information will not be used for these purposes without your specific permission.