Explore This Fellowship


The Harvard-Affiliated Emergency Medicine Education Fellowship will provide participants with training in instructional design and education research methods complemented by supervised research experiences to develop a strong foundation to pursue leadership positions in the fields of educational research, graduate medical education policy, and residency administration. Fellows will be exposed to the medical education expertise at both Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) during their two years. Local mentors include faculty from the MGH Learning Lab, the BWH STRATUS Center for Simulation, the HAEMR education leadership team, HMS clerkship directors, the fellowship director, and EM faculty from both MGH and BWH. Training will incorporate a common core of study in research and teaching methodology through the MGH Institute of Health Professions Education Master’s Program (MHPE) as well as introduction to both UME education administration through the HMS EM clerkships and GME education administration through the joint MGH-BWH EM Residency.

One of the primary expectations of the fellowship is for the fellow to design and execute one or more educational research projects in an area of interest. The fellow will also learn issues related to program administration, including ACGME requirements, curriculum development, competency-based education and assessment, and reporting requirements. The fellowship director, Eric Shappell, MD, MHPE, is committed to helping fellows define and explore their academic niche(s) such that their unique interests will help to shape their fellowship curricula through a series of longitudinal immersion experiences in research, teaching, and education. Our fellows will work with mentors to identify literature relevant to their area of interest and develop project(s) with the aid of the various local and national resources for education within Emergency Medicine.

Both year 1 and year 2 will consist of a series of immersion experiences that include exposure to teaching and didactics, program administration, and research methods. Year 2 will be more intensively focused on the trainee’s unique area(s) of interest and research developed during year 1. The fellowship director will meet monthly with the trainee to ensure that the year 2 experience is maximized and includes educational and research experiences most suited to developing the fellow’s academic career.

Specifically, the fellowship program will include the following:

Education Training

  • At the start of the fellowship, the fellow will be given focused training in a bootcamp fashion to ensure they are on-boarded as quickly as possible. This will include, but not be limited to, CITI training and certification, review of local faculty development resources (CFD, HMS Academy), assistance with mentor selection, scheduling of mentorship meetings for the first year, and meetings with key education faculty
  • Masters of science in health professions education (MHPE) through the MGH Institute of Health Professions Education (required core)
  • Focused mentorship by the residency Program Director and Associate Program Directors at education team meetings on residency administration (required core)
  • Semi-monthly mentorship meetings with the Fellowship Director to review educational research projects, teaching portfolio development, and career goals (required core)
  • Annual attendance at the Council of Residency Directors (CORD) national conference (required core)
  • Emergency Medicine-specific training in education research through the Council of Residency Directors (CORD) Medical education certificate training (MERC at CORD) (optional, recommended)
  • Training in the practice of teaching and curriculum design through the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Teaching Fellowship (optional)
  • National meeting attendance at one or more of the following: American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP); Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) (optional)
  • The degree and any required conferences will be funded by the fellowship

Education Projects/Portfolio Development

  • Educational manuscript submission and abstract presentations at one or more national meetings (CORD, ACEP, SAEM, AAMC) (required core)
  • Teaching portfolio develop including lecture, simulation training, formative and summative assessment, and direct observation (required core)
  • Creation of educational innovations through the HAEMR residency and HMS clerkship opportunities (optional)
  • Creation of on-line and/ or podcast learning materials if applicable to area of interest (optional)

Educational Program Administration

  • The fellow will receive training in educational administration. They will be provided exposure to the administrative activities of an assistant residency director through attendance at HAEMR leadership meetings, participation in residency curriculum development, and semi-annual Clinical Competency Committee (CCC) meetings (required core)

Local Resources

In addition to masters training in the IHPE program (or HSPH MPH/PCE program), the fellowship will be invited to take advantage of the following local resources to develop scholarship including but not limited to the following:

  1. HMS Medical Education Research Day 
  2. HMS Education Academy
  3. Center for Faculty Development 
  4. The MGH Center for Education Innovation and Scholarship
  5. Participation in MGH Departmental Simulation Officer meetings

How to Apply

Interested applicants should contact the fellowship director, by email:

Eric Shappell, MD, MHPE