About Michael Flaherty, DO

Clinical Interests:



Mass General for Children: Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-724-4380

Medical Education

  • DO, University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Residency, Baystate Medical Center
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital

American Board Certifications

  • Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, American Board of Pediatrics
  • Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


My active research interests are in the field of pediatric trauma and injury prevention.  I am particularly interested in the effects of health policies and legislation on preventing pediatric injury. I work with the MGH Trauma and Injury Prevention Program to investigate ways to decrease preventable injuries including sports-related concussion, off-road vehicle injuries, and teenage motor vehicle crashes. Our work has culminated in the first statewide analyses of the Massachusetts Off-Road Vehicle legislation, the strictest law in the United States for protecting young children from injury and death while operating off-road vehicles. We have also investigated the effects of sports-related concussion legislation on the practice and perceptions of pediatricians. I continue to seek out new and innovative ways to study the effect of legislation on injury prevention, as well as community outreach to promote awareness and prevention of common causes of childhood trauma.  


  • Flaherty, MR. Kim, AM., Salt, MD, Lee, LK. Distracted Driving Laws and Motor Vehicle Fatalities. Pediatrics. Jun 2020.

    Flaherty, MR. et. al. Unintentional Window Falls in Children and Adolescents. Acad Pediatr. Jul 2020.

    Flaherty, MR. Sheridan, R. Fire Pit-Related Burn Injuries and Children and Adolescents. J Burn Care Res. July 2019.

    Flaherty, MR. Klig, J. Firearm-Related Injuries in Children and Adolescents; An Emergency and Critical Care Perspective. Curr Op Pedtr. Jul 2020. 

    Naureckas Li, C, Sacks CA, McGregor, KA, Masiakos, PT, Flaherty, MR. Screening for Access to Firearms in High-Risk Patients. Acad Pediatr. Aug 2019.

    Ghersin ZJ, Flaherty MR, Yager P, Cummings BM. Going green: decreasing medical waste in a paediatric intensive care unit in the United States. New Bioeth. 2020 Jun.

    Flaherty, MR., Raybould, T., Kelleher, CM., Seethala, R., Lee, J., Kaafarani, HMA., Masiakos, PT. Age Legislation and Off-Road Vehicle Injuries in Children. Pediatrics. Sep 2017.  

    Flaherty, MR., Raybould,T, Jamal-Allial,A., Kaafarani,H.,Lee,J.,Gervasini,A.,Ginsburg, R.,Mandell,M., Donelan,K.,Masiakos,P. Impact of a State Concussion Law on Physician Practice in the Care of Sports-Related Concussions. J.Peds. Sep 2016.

    Flaherty, MR. “Fat Letters in Public Schools: Public Health Versus Pride”. Pediatrics Sep 2013; 132(3):403.