About Kaloyan Tanev, MD

Departments, Centers, & Programs:

Clinical Interests:




Red Sox Foundation and Mass General Home Base
One Constitution Wharf
Suite 140
Charlestown , MA 02129
Phone: 617-724-5202

Medical Education

  • MD, University of Sofia Faculty of Medicine
  • Residency, Butler Hospital
  • Fellowship, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

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My main area of interest is neuropsychiatry. I work as an inpatient attending on the medical psychiatry unit, Blake 11. Additionally, I work in an outpatient neuropsychiatry clinic and at the MGH Home Base Program. I participate in clinical research.

I am interested in studying neuropsychiatric disorders, an understudied area falling between the fields of psychiatry and neurology. One of my areas of interest within neuropsychiatry is that of sleep disturbances in hospitalized patients with Alzheimer's or vascular dementia. I am also interested in identifying successful treatment strategies for traumatic brain injury.

I am part of a group of clinicians at MGH who share a passion for the development of neuropsychiatry. Our goal is to develop awareness of neuropsychiatric disorders and build educational and clinical services for this under-recognized and underserved population.

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