About Anat Stemmer-Rachamimov, MD

Departments, Centers, & Programs:

Clinical Interests:




Mass General Pathology
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-643-0800

Medical Education

  • MD, University of Milan
  • Residency, Memorial Hospital Health Science Centre, St. John's
  • Residency, University Hospital Health Science Center Canada
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital

American Board Certifications

  • Anatomic Pathology, American Board of Pathology
  • Neuropathology, American Board of Pathology

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


Our lab's research focuses on identifying the underlying molecular changes in the lesions and malformations associated with hereditary brain tumor syndromes (neurofibromatosis 1, neurofibromatosis 2, schwannomatosis and tuberous sclerosis), and the identification of activated pathways or events that lead to tumor progression. We are now moving from defining the molecular features and understanding the biology to more practical translational research of biomarkers and drug screens.

See details at the Stemmer-Rachamimov Lab.
