Dr. Arauz Boudreau is an academic community pediatrician focused on improving the health of vulnerable populations through primary care re-design, research, and community initiatives. She has led primary care restructuring efforts to transform MGfC pediatric primary care practices into patient centered medical homes implementing population health management, and quality improvement efforts to develop a holistic system for promoting child well-being with specific programmatic investments in high-risk communities. She has implemented population health management programs with interdisciplinary teams to address childhood asthma, weight management and promoting early childhood resilience. Given the current challenges facing children her current restructuring efforts focus on addressing COVID care and mental health in routine practice. For children and adolescents who require significantly more health care services, she spearheaded the development of the MGH pediatric integrated care management program to enhance care coordination across the continuum of health care and across multi-disciplinary sectors through an interdisciplinary team approach involving nurses, social workers and community health workers (CHWs). Her role as the Medical Director for MGH MassGeneral Medicaid ACO has allowed her to further develop sustainable infrastructure to address the health-related social needs of patients blending the roles of CHWs and resource navigators to better meet the needs of patients across the life span.
Throughout her career Dr. Arauz Boudreau has promoted diversity and inclusion. She served as an Associate Director of the MGH Center for Diversity and Inclusion, during which time she adapted a team communication course to address dynamics in multicultural health care teams to improve team communication and quality. In her current roles she has helped to ensure quality metrics are assess by race, ethnicity, and langue in attempt to build services to decrease existing disparities in care.
Her research focuses on understanding how innovation is implemented in practice settings to address health disparities and enhance child development. Her research has assessed the association of cultural competence with the quality of well-child care, the addition of health coaches as an approach to obesity prevention and asthma management, and most recently, understanding how practices transform into a medical home and its benefits.
Dr. Arauz Boudreau is a member at the Massachusetts General Hospital Division of General Pediatrics and practices as a primary care pediatrician at MGH Chelsea HealthCare Center. She received her medical degree from Harvard Medical School and a Masters in Public Health from Harvard School Public Health. She has completed the Harvard Pediatric Health Services Research Fellowship and the Mongan Commonwealth Fund/Harvard University Fellowship in Minority Health Policy.