About Bob Carter, MD, PhD

Clinical Interests:




Mass General Surgery
55 Fruit St.
Suite 506
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-8581
Fax: 617-643-0669

Medical Education

  • MDPhD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
  • Residency, Massachusetts General Hospital

American Board Certifications

  • Neurological Surgery, American Board of Neurological Surgery

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


As a NIH funded investigator since 2000, Dr. Carter has been a leader in promoting neurosurgery's use of molecular tools to create novel diagnostics and treatments for neurologic disorders.  He served as clinical lead on the original Nature Cell Biology publication which first described the use of exosomes for brain tumor liquid biopsy.  Dr. Carter and Dr. Leonora Balaj now lead an active collaborative research group for the clinical study of exosomes in brain tumors, a major area of research focus. 

Dr. Carter has also developed novel gene and cell therapies for neurologic disorders.  Dr. Carter has also been active in the genetic engineering of new anti-glioma biological therapies. He was a lead investigator in the first descriptions of CAR-T receptors against the VEGF-receptor and anti-EGFRvIII CAR T-cell receptors, setting the stage for ongoing clinical studies of CAR-T cells in brain tumors.  Recently, Dr. Carter co-led a team which recently published the description of new iPSC derived cell therapy for Parkinson's, in collaboration with the Kim laboratory at Mclean Hospital.   In a pioneering study, published in the NEJM and reviewed in Cell Stem Cell, the team recently described the first patient treated with this approach. 

