Mass General Study Finds Damage in the Lungs of Chronic E-Cigarette Users
Evidence adds to the warnings about the health dangers of e-cigarettes at a time when their usage is rapidly growing, especially among young adults and adolescents.
Departments, Centers, & Programs:
Clinical Interests:
Mass General Pulmonary & Critical Care
55 Fruit St.
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-1721
Medical Education
American Board Certifications
Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.
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Mass General is recognized as a top hospital on the U.S. News Best Hospitals Honor Roll for 2024-2025.
Evidence adds to the warnings about the health dangers of e-cigarettes at a time when their usage is rapidly growing, especially among young adults and adolescents.
Dr was thorough, kind and explained things in a helpful manner.
Searches with me for answers to my concerns and symptoms! Checking for COPD and medication best results and if I have side effects of medication. Skin problems arose recently and DR. Ran multiple blood testing to check on Rhomitoid Arthritis or Lubus. Both run in my family and symptoms I have closely mimicking those diseases. All came back normal ... Read More
Always thorough, professional & caring
I was very happy with the visit. I was very happy with the doctor. I thought it was a very good experience and I left here feeling very good about everything that I went there to check in on.
From the moment I walked into Dr Christiani's office I felt very comfortable. The front staff was friendly and efficient and Dr Christiani was on time. He was not only knowledgeable but patient and took as much time as needed to answer all my questions and concerns. He explained what tests may be needed in terms that I understood and was very ... Read More
Dr Christiani is the utmost professional. He always listens to me giving good advice . He explains in detail the PFT testing as well as my labs. It is a privilege to be his patient. Best; [redacted]
Dr Christiani is very knowledgeable in specific health issues with Environmental Intolerance patient. He is very understanding, open-minded, friendly and patience. He took the time to listen to patient's health issues, thoroughly answer questions and try to help patient improve quality of daily life (e.g. took the time to explain in details of ... Read More
He seemed genuinely concerned about my health and he was very knowledgeable and very helpful. I really appreciate it. [redacted]
Dr. David Christiani is a greatly knowledgeable and experienced pulmonologist and quite empathetic.
Provider is well knowledgeable, up to date on the latest medications, and provider is outstanding.