About Isaac Schiff, MD

Clinical Interests:



Boston: Massachusetts General Hospital

Mass General Fertility Center
55 Fruit St.
Suite 10A
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-8868

View location, directions and parking information for Mass General

Medical Education

  • MD, McGill University
  • MD, McGill University Faculty of Medicine
  • Residency, Brigham and Women's Hospital
  • Residency, Brigham and Women's Hospital
  • Residency, Montreal General Hospital
  • Residency, Montreal General Hospital
  • Residency, New Eng. Medical Ctr
  • Residency, Tufts Medical Center
  • Fellowship, Brigham and Women's Hospital
  • Fellowship, Brigham and Women's Hospital

American Board Certifications

  • Obstetrics & Gynecology, American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Reproductive Endocrinology, American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Note: This provider may accept more insurance plans than shown; please call the practice to find out if your plan is accepted.


  • Schiff I, Tulchinsky D, Ryan KJ.  Vaginal absorption of estrone and 17??-estradiol.  Fertil Steril 28(10):1063-1066, 1977. 

    Schiff I, Regestein Q, Tulchinsky D, Ryan KJ.  Effects of estrogens on sleep and psychological state of hypogonadal women.  JAMA 242(22): 2405-2407, 1979. 

    Schiff I, Ryan KJ.  Benefits of estrogen replacement.  Obstet Gynecol Surv. 35(6):400-411, 1980. 

    Schiff I, Tulchinsky D, Cramer D, Ryan KJ.  Oral medroxyprogesterone in the treatment of postmenopausal symptoms.  JAMA 244(13):1443-1445, 1980. 

    Schiff I, Sela HK, Cramer D, Tulchinsky D, Ryan KJ.  Endometrial hyperplasia in women on cyclic or continuous estrogen regimens.  Fertil Steril. 37(1):79-82, 1982. 

    Frisch RE, Wyshak G, Albright TE, Albright NL, Schiff I.  Lower prevalence of diabetes in female former college athletes compared with nonathletes.  Diabetes 35(10):1101-1105, 1986. 

    Schiff I.  Summing up the risk:benefit equation.  Menopause 3(2):61-64, 1996.

    Schiff I. Executive Summary. Hormone Therapy.  Obstet Gynecol 104(4) Supplement: 1S-4S, 2004.

    Schiff I.  The pill and the Pendulum.  Editorial.  Obstet Gynecol 110(2, part1), pp. 228-229, August 2007. 

    Shifren JL, and Schiff I.  The role of hormone therapy in the management of menopause.  Obstet Gynecol, 115(5): 839-854, 2010.