Lifestyle programs at the Massachusetts General Hospital Weight Center are designed to address the knowledge, skills, attitudes and thoughts that drive behaviors related to eating and activity.

About Individual Nutrition

This program option is designed for Mass General Weight Center patients who have completed an initial comprehensive evaluation and have been referred by their Weight Center dietitian for the three-month program.

The focus of this three-month program will be on how to incorporate a healthier lifestyle. Patients must commit to scheduling three to six individual in-person sessions with their Mass General Weight Center dietitian over the course of three months. At each of your visits, you and your dietitian will focus on setting goals. Between visits you will need to commit to tracking your food intake, physical activity and behavioral goals.

At the end of three months, you and your dietitian will assess your progress. Additional visits may be scheduled based on your progress, or a referral to another Weight Center provider for medical, behavioral or surgery treatment may be indicated.

Program Cost

The nutrition appointments will be billed to your insurance; please check with your insurance provider regarding reimbursement for Medical Nutrition Therapy.

If your insurance provider does not cover nutrition services, you will need to pay for these sessions out of pocket. Out-of-pocket payments received at the time of your follow-up visits will be $86.00 per session. This is a prompt pay discounted charge. If you do not pay at the time of your visit, you will be billed for the session. The billable amount may not be discounted.