condition Many individuals with post-operative pain have demonstrable neuropathic causes of pain (i.e. in the distribution of one or more nerve territories). n

Many individuals with post-operative pain have demonstrable neuropathic causes of pain (i.e. in the distribution of one or more nerve territories).

What is the condition?
Post-operative pain is common after many different operations, with an incidence of 30-50% depending on the type of surgery. Many individuals with post-operative pain have demonstrable neuropathic causes of pain (i.e. in the distribution of one or more nerve territories). Most operations require incisions through some cutaneous (skin) nerves, which – no matter how small – can cause nerve pain post-operatively. 

How is nerve pain after surgery treated?
If post-operative pain is present persistently without another identifiable cause, it may be due to nerve pathology and some patients are candidates for surgical intervention. Typically, post-operative pain resolves over the two to three months following surgical procedures, so additional intervention is not performed for at least three months after initial surgery.

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