Courageous Parents Network (CPN): Pediatric Supportive & Palliative Care collaborates closely with the Courageous Parents Network. CPN is a destination created by parents, for parents, to support, guide and strengthen families as they care for a seriously ill child. Here you will find wisdom from fellow parents and pediatric care providers to help you be the best parent you can be to your child and children—and get through each moment. CPN has guides, videos, and podcasts available for families.
Department of Developmental Services (DDS) : The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) offers services and supports for individuals with intellectual disabilities and children with developmental disabilities. DDS offers residential supports, services for families, respite care, and transportation services. DDS provides some of these services directly, and others are available from providers in the community. Applying early allows families to access supports as needed. Once a child turns 22 years old DDS will take over day to day services from the child’s school district. This often looks like day supports or a day program.
Family Ties of Massachusetts: Parents of children with special needs often struggle with their emotions around the everyday challenges they face. This may happen at the time of your child’s diagnosis - and reoccur with a new diagnosis, as well as throughout the many transitions from infancy through adulthood.
Federation for Children with Special Needs: Provides information, support, and assistance to parents of children with disabilities, their professional partners, and their communities. We are committed to listening to and learning from families and encouraging full participation in community life by all people, especially those with disabilities.
MA Department of Public Health Division for Children & Youth with Special Health Needs: The Division for Children & Youth with Special Health Needs at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health works with families, providers, and others to support children and youth with special health needs ages birth to 22 and their families. This includes children and youth with chronic medical, physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional conditions.
Parents Helping Parents: Does parenting leave you feeling stressed, alone, or overwhelmed? Any parent who is feeling overwhelmed, isolated, or stressed who would like free, confidential, and anonymous support may call. All Languages available.