Patient EducationNov | 22 | 2019
Female Athlete Triad: Diagnosis and Treatment
How Do Doctors Diagnose the Female Athlete Triad (TRIAD)?
If the care team thinks your child might have the TRIAD, they might do one or more of the following tests:
- Assessment of your child’s current diet, exercise routine and menstrual cycle
- Physical exam
- Blood tests, which include checking nutrient and hormone levels
- A dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) test (imaging test that measures bone density)
How Do Doctors Treat the Female Athlete Triad (TRIAD)?
Treatment depends on your child’s symptoms and test results. Early treatment can help prevent further bone compromise and help return your child to good health. The care team will talk with you about creating a treatment plan for your child.
Common TRIAD treatments include:
- A new diet and nutrition plan to increase calorie consumption
- Changes to your child’s exercise routine
- Hormone and vitamin supplements
Did You Know?
It is always important to live a healthy lifestyle and eat well, especially before age 25. This is when a person reaches their peak bone mass (highest levels of bone density). There is no guarantee of restoring bone mass a person might have lost before age 25. Most people have a higher risk of fractures as they approach age 50 or as women reach menopause. People with lower peak bone mass are more likely to have fractures earlier than those who do not have lower peak bone mass.
Rev. 12/2018. Mass General for Children and Massachusetts General Hospital do not endorse any of the brands listed on this webpage. This webpage is intended to provide health information so that you can be better informed. It is not a substitute for medical advice and should not be used to treatment of any medical conditions.
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