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THRIVE Epilepsy Wellness for Children & Adults

Seizure onset in childhood can affect the developing brain by the disruption of important functional pathways. The resulting disruption in information processing can interfere with important developmental periods.
Girl with a small dancing dog
Girl with a small dancing dog
A THRIVE participant shows off her dog's skills at the Doggonit! dog show


We provide opportunities for children with epilepsy to participate in programs designed to:

  • Promote cognitive efficiency and behavioral regulation (including attention and executive functioning) through targeted activities and therapies that will be designed to enhance learning, self-efficacy, social competence, mood/emotional regulation, motor control, and quality of life
  • Conduct research to better understand the behavioral and cognitive comorbidities as well as the associated neurological processes related to epilepsy and the developing brain
  • Reduce the number of hospital / doctor visits and the associated health care costs. The primary goal for all efforts will be to increase the understanding of and quality of health care for children with epilepsy

Support Groups

Group Therapy for Children with Epilepsy

Group goals include psychosocial support, developmentally appropriate education about epilepsy, and cognitive Interventions with a focus on promoting regulation and executive functioning including impulse control, planning and organization, self-monitoring and cognitive flexibility.

Sibling Support Groups

Sibling groups meet once a year at a location outside the hospital.

Parent Support Groups

Parent groups meet twice a year at Mass General.


Annual Education Conference

The seminar is provided for parents and those involved in the education and care of children with epilepsy.

Continuing education credits will be provided for nurses, educators, psychologists and social workers. Seminars address the medical, behavioral, cognitive, psychosocial and academic effects of epilepsy and provide specific information about appropriate supports and interventions.


Online forums run by MGH Pediatric Epilepsy staff and guest speakers to address questions and provide information and specific interventions for behavioral, psychosocial and educational concerns. Webinars take place approximately once a month.

School Liaison Program

THRIVE provides a school psychologist/liaison to meet with families on-site, visit schools, observe school programs and consult directly with educators to ensure that appropriate interventions are being provided for our patients.

Additional Programs & Activities

Mass General runs or coordinates with a wide variety of activities and summer camps for young people with epilepsy, including yoga, occupational therapy, dog training, outdoor activities and summer camps. See what we offer.

Patient Resources

View the full collection of patient resources from the THRIVE Program at MGfC.

Support the Pediatric Epilepsy Program

Donors like you help us make a difference in the lives of children with epilepsy and their families.