Research Spotlight: Timing of Referrals to a Down Syndrome Parent Group By Race
This study found that 78% of white families received early referrals to a Down Syndrome support group in Ohio compared to 9% of minority families.
Patient EducationJul | 18 | 2019
El síndrome de Down por translocación sucede cuando una copia adicional del cromosoma 21 se adjunta a otro cromosoma. Esto se da en todas las células del cuerpo.
En el síndrome de Down por translocación una copia adicional del cromosoma 21 se adjunta a otro cromosoma. Por ejemplo, cuando una copia adicional del cromosoma 21 se adjunta al cromosoma 14, tiene el aspecto de la imagen a continuación.
El síndrome de Down por translocación puede suceder de una de dos maneras:
Si la copia adicional del cromosoma 21 se hereda de uno de los padres en el óvulo o el espermatozoide, significa que el padre “porta” este tipo de síndrome de Down. Estos padres tienen una “translocación balanceada”. La translocación balanceada sucede cuando hay una cantidad correcta de material genético presente en una ubicación incorrecta.
Las personas con translocación balanceada no tienen ninguna característica del síndrome de Down. Sin embargo, es posible que tengan problemas para concebir.
Sí. El síndrome de Down por translocación es el único tipo de síndrome de Down que puede heredarse de los padres que no tienen características de síndrome de Down.
Rev: 2/2013
Patient resources for the Down Syndrome Program.
This study found that 78% of white families received early referrals to a Down Syndrome support group in Ohio compared to 9% of minority families.
Stephanie Santoro, MD, was the lead author of a recent article in the Journal of Pediatrics, titled Health Surveillance in a Down Syndrome Specialty Clinic: Implementation of Electronic Health Record Integrations During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic
Researchers found that a person with a diagnosis of Down syndrome and COVID-19 pneumonia had six times the odds of having a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) status ordered at hospital admission.
The U.S. ranked 13th of 45 countries in advocating for and supporting these individuals’ wellbeing.
Stephanie L. Santoro, MD, is the senior author of a recent study published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part C.
Researchers found that limited English proficiency, a lack of health information translated into Spanish, and systemic racism often undermines care of patients with Down syndrome.
This study found that 78% of white families received early referrals to a Down Syndrome support group in Ohio compared to 9% of minority families.
Stephanie Santoro, MD, was the lead author of a recent article in the Journal of Pediatrics, titled Health Surveillance in a Down Syndrome Specialty Clinic: Implementation of Electronic Health Record Integrations During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic
Researchers found that a person with a diagnosis of Down syndrome and COVID-19 pneumonia had six times the odds of having a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) status ordered at hospital admission.
The U.S. ranked 13th of 45 countries in advocating for and supporting these individuals’ wellbeing.