About Janet Sherman, PhD

Dr. Sherman received her Ph.D. from Cornell University and did her clinical postdoctoral training at Johns Hopkins University Medical School and research fellowship at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has been a psychologist at MGH since 1989 and has served as director of Neuropsychology at MGH since 1991. Her clinical expertise is in the fields of adult neuropsychology, with specific interests in aphasia, dementing disorders, including Alzheimer's disease and Frontotemporal dementia, and cerebellar disorders. Dr. Sherman is an associate professor at Harvard Medical School in the department of neurology.

Departments, Centers, & Programs:

Clinical Interests:



Mass General Psychology Assessment Center
One Bowdoin Square
7th Floor
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-643-3997

Medical Education

  • Fellowship, Johns Hopkins Hospital***
  • Fellowship, Massachusetts Eye and Ear

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Dr. Sherman's research focuses on focuses on characterizing neurocognitive impairment in different patient populations with the goal of improving diagnostic sensitivity and treatment. Areas of specific focus include the role of the cerebellum in cognitive and affective functions, the characterization of language changes in healthy aging and in prodromal periods of Alzheimer's disease and the cognitive effects of proton radiation therapy.


    • Schmahmann JD, Sherman JC. The cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome. Clinical features of a newly defined entity, Brain, 1998; 121: 561-579.
    • Sherman, JC. Normal and LD development of academic skills. In Wolf LE, Schreiber H and Wasserstein J. Adult Learning Disorders: Contemporary Issues. Psychology Press, Taylor and Francis, 2008: 3-24.
    • Sherman, JC, Henderson CR, Flynn, S, Gair, JW, Lust B. Language decline characterizes amnestic MCI (aMCI) independent of cognitive decline. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, Click Here, 2021.
    • Pulsifer MB, Grieco JA, Burstein SM, Parsons MW, Gardner MM, Sherman JC. The development and implementation of teneneuropsychology in an academic lifespan neuropsychology center: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Neuropsychology, 2021 Aug 13;1-12.
    • Colvin MK and Sherman JC. Considering learning disabilities and ADHD when assessing for neurodegenerative disease. Neurology: Clinical Practice. MS ID#: NEURCLINPRACT/2019/042275.
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