Your Visit to the Lurie Center
Getting Ready to Visit the Lurie Center
Going to a new place can be scary. These resources can make your visit to the Lurie Center easier.
Your visit to the Lurie Center, starting with the view from the parking lot and including what you will see when you walk into the building, checking in at the front desk, what the waiting rooms look like, and what happens during an exam.
This slider is the first half of the walkthrough.

This is the view of our clinic from the parking lot.

You walk down the stone path to our front door.

You will pass this sign on your way into the building.

There are two sets of green doors to get into the clinic.

You need to push the green button to open the door.

When you press the green button the door will open.

The Lurie Center has two sides, one for Spaulding Rehab therapies and one for our doctors.

Here is where you check in with our front desk.

Go to the slider below.
This slider is the second half of the walkthrough.

Then you wait in one of our two waiting rooms until we are ready to see you. This is one of the waiting rooms.

This is the other waiting room.

One of our doctors will come out of these two doors to get you for your appointment.

Then you will walk down the hallway to their exam room.

First thing we will do is take your blood pressure.

It doesn't hurt, it just squeezes your arm.

We might also measure around your head.

We might also listen to your heart.

We will also see how much you have grown since your last visit.

We will also ask you to stand on the scale for them to check your weight.
Patient Resources
View patient resources from the Lurie Center for Autism.
Social Stories
Social narratives or "social stories" are tools that can help you understand what is expected in various environments. Have a look at our social narratives for a variety of common procedures you may experience when visiting the doctor's office or hospital.