Linda Rodgers-Fouché, MS, LCGC
Linda Rodgers-Fouché, MS, LCGC
About Linda Rodgers-Fouché, MS, LCGC
Ms. Rodgers-Fouché first joined the Center for Cancer Risk Assessment (CCRA) as a research assistant while earning her Bachelor of Science in biology from Northeastern University. After earning a Master’s in Genetic Counseling from the University of Maryland, she returned to the CCRA as a genetic counselor in 2012. She provides risk assessment and genetic counseling services in both the Breast/Ovarian and GI Cancer Genetics clinics. Additionally, Ms. Rodgers-Fouché serves as one of the CCRA representatives to the Lynch Syndrome Screening Network, an international group of cancer genetics clinicians focused on universal screening for Lynch syndrome. Outside of clinic, Ms. Rodgers-Fouché is interested in introducing the field of genetic counseling to high school and undergraduate students. To this end, she regularly presents at local schools and coordinates the undergraduate internship program at the CCRA.
participated in Clinical Trials at the Mass General Cancer Center last year
This helped lead to new knowledge and breakthrough therapies.
Supportive Care Services
Our support programs can help patients and their families cope with the challenges of a cancer diagnosis.