Specialty: Acupuncturist and Co-Director, Katherine A. Gallagher Integrative Therapies Program.
Education/Training: Masters of Acupuncture
Certifications: Licensed Acupuncturist by the MA Board of Medicine
Years in practice: Since 2001
Years at MGHCC: Since 2003
What drew you to your specialty? I wanted to practice a clinical intervention that focused on enhancing a person's quality of life and physical and emotional wellbeing. Acupuncture is a supportive care intervention that can help oncology patients feel as well as possible during and after treatment for cancer.
What is your favorite part of your job? Working with patients and families. Collaborating with colleagues to increase access to our services.
What would you like to tell patients and their families about integrative therapies and your specialty? We are part of your interdisciplinary care team and are here to support you from diagnosis throughout your treatment and beyond.