Steven Marc Zeitels, MD, FACS, (born November 7, 1957 in New York City and grew up in New Rochelle, New York) is the Eugene B. Casey professor of Laryngeal Surgery at Harvard Medical School and the director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Laryngeal Surgery and Voice Rehabilitation (Voice Center), which is the most comprehensive facility of its kind in the world. He is an internationally-recognized surgeon specializing in throat, voice and larynx problems.
In 2004, the first endowed chair in Laryngeal Surgery at Harvard Medical School was created for him while he re-established a Harvard Laryngeal Surgery service at Mass General, which had not been present since the 1920s. Dr. Zeitels' contributions to voice and laryngeal surgery are highly recognized in the world. He has received more than 75 awards and honored lectureships for his achievements including the Casselberry and Newcomb Awards from the American Laryngological Association and the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Boston University School of Medicine.
Zeitels is widely regarded as a prolific surgical innovator having designed numerous new voice restoration procedures (phonosurgery) and instruments, and holds a number of patents for these innovations. He is widely acknowledged for pioneering novel laser applications to treat dysplasia and cancer as well as laryngeal papillomatosis, polyps, nodules and is also well known for creating office-based laryngeal laser surgery. Most notably, his introduction of angiolytic laser treatment of vocal cord cancer was a groundbreaking achievement evolving from Judah Folkman's concepts of tumor angiogenesis and Rox Anderson's theory of selective photothermolysis.
In the Media
Dr. Zeitels has also designed unique procedures to restore the voice of those who have had vocal paresis and paralysis. His techniques were featured in a National Geographic documentary, “The Incredible Human Machine”, which highlighted Dr. Zeitels' microsurgery on Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. In addition, his novel surgical treatment of Roger Daltrey (The Who) just prior to his halftime performance in the 2010 Super Bowl was discussed extensively on CBS news. In 2012 there was broad international coverage of Dr. Zeitels' unique microsurgery to restore Adele's voice, who acknowledged his assistance in the acceptance of the first of her six Grammy Awards.
In 2013, a long-form profile of Dr. Zeitels' career and innovations were featured in the New Yorker Magazine. His work has also been featured in the Harvard Medical Alumni Journal, the Harvard Magazine and the Boston University Alumni Journal as well as has been discussed extensively in print media, radio and television both nationally and internationally including:
Good Morning America
Today Show
Wall Street Journal
NY and LA Times
London Sunday Times
Rolling Stone
USA Today
Boston Globe & Herald
Bloomberg News
National Geographic
Voice Restoration Research Program
Dr. Zeitels conceived and directs the Voice Restoration Research Program, which is a collaborative effort of investigators at Harvard, Mass General and MIT. The program has spent over a decade developing a biomaterial that would restore the largest majority of human voice loss. The research group received the 2010 Broyles Maloney Award of the American Broncho-Esophagological Association for its efforts.
Additional Achievements
Dr. Zeitels' single-author Atlas of Phonomicrosurgery is considered by many surgeons to be the leading textbook in microsurgery of the larynx. Dr. Zeitels has authored more than 200 scientific articles, book chapters and videos in these areas as well as presenting over 300 papers and lectures. He serves or has served on the editorial board of five national and international journals. Dr. Zeitels has also been the honored guest of many international organizations.
Visiting Professorships
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Columbia University
University of Pennsylvania
University of California (San Diego & Irvine)
University of Pittsburgh
University of Texas (Dallas)
University of Oregon
University of Cincinnati
University of Utah
Vanderbilt University
University of Alabama
University of Connecticut
University of West Virginia
University of Minnesota
University of Navarra - Pamplona in Spain
Tel Aviv University in Israel
Aukland University in New Zealand
Kumamoto University in Japan
McGill & Dalhousie Universities in Canada
Juilliard School